72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Mitchel Leisen
100 min.
Posing as his long lost wife, reporter Augusta Nash brazenly rescues Tom Martin from a Spanish prison. The couple somehow falls in love during the adventures and pitfalls of their ensuing journey through France and Germany, coming to the conclusion that the best idea would be to get out of Europe before war breaks out. Obliged to make new plans, the twosome decides to stay on the Continent and fight the German oppresion. 
Mitchel Leisen
90 min.
Buck Benny heads a group of crummy variety actors stranded in Paris and has to pull out all the stops to put things right. 
Mitchel Leisen
89 min.
Studying to be a priest in Paris, Gregory Fitzgerald strikes up a friendship with chanteuse Monica Johnson, completely unaware of the fact that she has killed a man. Monica uses Gregory as a cover while the crime is being investigated. 
Mitchel Leisen
79 min.
Left in the lurch when his bride-to-be commits suicide on discovering that her future in-laws are against their forthcoming marriage, Michael Carter rashly marries Indian girl Tonita Stormcloud on the rebound and is faced with a long, upward climb to change his toffee-nosed relations' opinion of his new spouse. 
Mitchel Leisen
91 min.
Cesare Borgia tells his sister Lucretia that Alfonso d'Este, the Duke of Ferrara, murdered her husband. Lucretia marries the Duke and plots to poison him, but learns the truth and joins her husband in a victorious battle against Cesare. 
Mitchel Leisen
83 min.
Returning to post-war Italy where he falls in love with local girl, Guilia de Greffi, ex-American officer Webster Carey is thrown into a obscure intrigue on trying to take the wraps off a German stool pigeon who was behind the death of several villagers. 
Mitchel Leisen
78 min.
Sister Joanna's happy existence in a peaceful convent is overshadowed by a crushing maternal instinct until the arrival of Teresa, a baby girl abandoned at the door of the nunnery. As the girl approaches womanhood, Joanna hopes that she too will become a nun, but the Doctor introduces her to the kindly Antonio, and they decide to marry, leaving JOanna alone with the comfort of her faith. 
Mitchel Leisen
78 min.
Death takes a trip to the world of the living to find out why people are so afraid of him. Adopting the form of the recently deceased Prince Sirki, the next three days are completely free of defuntion as he searched for an aspect of the living world to match the intensity of death. Falling hopelessly in love with Grazia at the end of the third day, it dawns on him that he's found what he was looking for. 
Mitchel Leisen
86 min.
Rich girl Georgina allerton is rolling in money and only runs her bookshop for fun. Her greatest pleasure is making up fanciful scenarios with her brother-in-law, Jim Lucas, where she sees herself alternately as Madame butterfly and Sadie Thompson. It takes the arrival of newsman and future flame Clark Redfield to bring her to her senses. 
Mitchel Leisen
88 min.
In the heat of an argument with his wife, millionaire J. B. Ball throws her ridicously expensive fur coar over the balcony of their Fifth Avenue penthouse. Unable to believe her luck, poor working girl Mary Smith dons the costly garment and heads for a hotel where she's taken for Ball's mistress and given a luxurious suite. 
Mitchel Leisen
74 min.
Handcuffed to a police officer on his way to prison, a small-time hood called Tony takes the chance to wreak havoc when the cop decides to spend their spare four hours at a musical revue. 
Mitchel Leisen
112 min.
Dona St. columb beats a hasty retreat from London in an attempt to escape from her boring husband and his unrelenting and lecherous best friend, Lord Rockingham. Moving into her Cornwall estate, often witness to the comings and goings of French pirates, Dona teams up with their leader, getting up to all sorts of mischief until her husband and Lord Rockingham put paid to her fun when they arrive to apprehend the freebooters. 
Mitchel Leisen
95 min.
Colonel Ralph Denistoun receives a pair of golden earrings at his London club and immediately sets out on a journey. In the plane, he tells his flying companion how he was thrown into a German jail for espionage, describing his escape and subsequent encounter with Lydia, a gypsy woman who disguised him and led him to safety. Now that the war is over he hopes to find her again. 
Mitchel Leisen
88 min.
Manicurist Regi allen is bent on finding herself a rich husband while high-flyer turned down-and-out Theodore Drew III sees his financial salvation in Vivian Snowden, the daughter of a tropical fruit trader; but mutual attraction puts paid to their plans. 
Mitchel Leisen
115 min.
Denied immigration to the U.S., Georges Iscovescu bides his time in a Mexican border town until an encounter with Anita, his ex-mistress, comes up with the answer - marriage to an American citizen. He finds the perfect quarry in dupe schoolmistress Emmy Brown, who walks out on him soon after their wedding on learning the facts of her not-quite-so-perfect husband's past from the same ex-floozy. He is later caught red-handed on his illegal way across the border to join Emmy. 
Mitchel Leisen
131 min.
Three men from totally different backgrounds (one was a Long Island playboy, another a car mechanic and the third a university sports buff) are training to become pilots just before the start of World War II. Although desperate to fulfil their comon dream, none of them had imagined just how hard it was going to be. 
Mitchel Leisen
103 min.
Degenerate nobleman, Sir Hugh Marcy, finds a filthy but beautiful cockney waif on the streets of 17th century London. He takes her home, cleans her up, teaches her speech and manners and has her pose for Thomas Gainsborough, all so that he can engineer a profitable marriage. Kitty's first wedding is to a tradesman, who conveniently collapses and dies, thereby permitting her to marry an equally obliging duke. 
Mitchel Leisen
100 min.
Faced with a personal problem she doesn't know how to resolve, fashion magazine editor Liza Elliot turns to a psychiatrist who prescribes psychoanalysis. Three hallucinatory dreams later, she comes to the conclusion that her neurosis is linked to her career ambitions. 
Mitchel Leisen
96 min.
Flat broke in Mexico, an American showgirl is asked by a jealous husband to help him win back his wife from the bullfighter who's leading her on. This is a remake of Leisen's earlier film, Midnight, made in 1939. 
Mitchel Leisen
92 min.
Penniless in Paris, chorus girl Eve Peabody rejects the persistent advances of taxi-driver Tibor Czerny, preferring to personify a Hungarian countess for jealous husband George Flammarion, who is desesperately trying to lure Jacques Picots away from his wife, Helene; but Czerny puts the cat among the pigeons when he turns up in the shape of Eve's lost long husband. 
Mitchel Leisen
89 min.
Stage manager Jack Ellry keeps the show going when a musical comedy opening night turns into a double murder scene. Called in to investigate the case, police sergeant Bill Murdock grills each and every one of the actors in turn, including the stars of the show, until he successfully collars the culprit after the final curtain. 
Mitchel Leisen
98 min.
Having been ditched by her ex-lover and father of her forthcoming baby, Helen Ferguson makes good use of the train ticket so thoughtfully purchased by her aforementioned beau and heads for San Francisco, meeting wealthy Hugh Harkness and his pregnant wife, patrice, on the way. Coming round in hospital after the train has a crash, Helen is astonished to discover that she has already given birth and been wrongly identified as the other mother-to-be. 
Mitchel Leisen
83 min.
Sandhog Jim Ryan is working on a crew digging a tunnel under the Hudson River and photographer Katherine Grant comes to take pictures. She falls for Ryan and gives him a job when he gets fired, but he leaves her in disgust and returns to save the tunnel from disaster. 
Mitchel Leisen
89 min.
Flight lieutenant Daniel Bellamy's last words over the radio as he goes down during a heroic mission in the Pacific have the listeners flummoxed when they mistake his endearing reference to his pooch Piggy for a declaration of love to Peggy, an office girl he hardly even knows. A surefire romance helps to put things right on the her's safe return. 
Mitchel Leisen
94 min.
District attorney John Sargent is prosecuting lee Leander for jewel theft. When the trial is adjourned until after Christmas, John offers to drop the girls off at her mother's house in Indiana on his way home. A frosty maternal reception leads to Lee spending Christmas with Sargent's family and to the inevitable love affair. 
Mitchel Leisen
93 min.
The arrival of New Yorker Bruce Eldridge offers museum curator Elisha Hunt's young wife Abigail the chance to exchange the monotony of her boring life for the polite debauchery of fashionable society. Besides himself with anger on discovering her high jinks, Elisha has a heart attack and dies, leaving the girl free to follow her heart. 
Mitchel Leisen
87 min.
Separated during the war when husband Peter is sent to the front, marriage counsellor mary Morely gets a nasty surprise at the end of the conflict when her beloved better half announces he wants a divorce to marry Gloria Fay. Seeing his chance, Jack Lindsay tries to move in on Mary, who'd rather work at getting her husband back. 
Mitchel Leisen
92 min.
Shortly after meeting and marrying trumpeter Skid Johnson in Panama, Maggie King is jilted by her new husband for Anita Alvarez and the Big Apple. Scraping the bottom of the barrel in New York, Skid goes on a binge that almost costs him his life, but the ever-faithful Maggie helps him back onto his profesional feet. 
Mitchel Leisen
94 min.
Advertising executive A. M. MacGregor hires Tom Verney to act as her personal secretary and keep the wolves away from her door. Susprised at her resentment when tom fawns on Ethel Caldwell, A. M. realises she's been bitten by the love bug. 
Mitchel Leisen
100 min.
The adventures of radio station manager Jack Carson, his sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Platt, and his many guest artist. 
Mitchel Leisen
97 min.
The eccentric behaviour of Mr. Bellows puts his liner, the "gigantic", at an obvious disadvantage in its trasatlantic race against the "Colossal". Meanwhile activity manager Buzz Fielding sees his plans for an escapade with Dorothy Wyndham go up in smoke when his three ex-wives, Cleo, Grace and Joan contrive to protect their source of alimony. 
Mitchel Leisen
98 min.
Engaged to no fewer than three men at once: Pete, Neir and Buzz, Dodie tries to make her choice by imagining what married life would be like with each one in turn. 
Mitchel Leisen
91 min.
Broadway star Elisabeth Madden finds an abandoned baby and decides to keep it. When she's told that the adoption formalities require her to have a husband, she arranges a marriage of convenience with Dr. Cory McBain. Riddled with jealousy, the matrimony is caught just short of the rocks when Cory pulls the child through a serious illness.
Mitchel Leisen
101 min.
Poor and ambitious Val McNulty marries wealthy Maggie Carleton. When his mother Ellen comes to call, Maggie mistakes her for the new maid and puts her to work. As if that wasn't bad enough, Maggie's bitchy mother Fran moves in as well. Complications ensue and Val almost loses his job, but his mother manages to straighten everything out. 
Mitchel Leisen
100 min.
Waiting at a London station for a soldier during World War II, middle-aged Josephine norris recals her ordeals of the previous war and her love affair with the pilot who had fathered her baby-to-be. Desolate on his ensuing death, she had put her son up for adoption by another family, fleeing the States when things had got too much for her.
Mitchel Leisen
124 min.
A musical biography of impresario Sol Hurok, covering his early life in Russia, the beginnings of his career in america and his relationship with artists like Anna Pavlova, Feodor Chaliapin, Eugene Ysaye and Jules Massenet. 
Mitchel Leisen
84 min.
Having taken his family to California in search of a better life, young montana lawyer max Webster gets into all sorts of trouble while stuying to join the local bar associatrion, including a mix-up with some gangsters; but a good job with a law firm saves the day. 
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