Z365" or "Festival all year round" is the new strategic point of the Festival in which converge investigation, accompaniment and development of new talents (Ikusmira Berriak, Nest); training and cinematic knowledge transfer (Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, Zinemaldia + Plus, Filmmakers' dialogue); and investigation, disclosure and cinematic thought (Z70 project, Thought and Discussion and Research and publications).
A specific international jury is charged with granting the Kutxabank-New Directors Award of the San Sebastian International Film Festival. The largest monetary prize given in any festival, this 50,000 Euros is shared by the winning film's director and the Spanish distributor. The first or second features of directors participating in the New Directors Section are eligible.
All of the films in this section compete for the Kutxabank-New Directors Award, coming with 50,000 euros (gross) distributed in equal parts between the director and the distributor of the film in Spain.