2019 was the second hottest year to date and marked the end of the hottest decade (2010-2019) on record. Levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere rose to record levels in 2019.
Climate change affects all countries to a greater or lesser extent, altering the economy, changing weather systems, raising sea levels, and generating increasingly extreme weather events.
In 2020, the health crisis generated by COVID-19 caused a disturbance in the world at all levels. The pandemic revealed an endless number of deficiencies with which we live on a day-to-day basis and accelerated concern about the climate crisis and its effects. This pandemic made those dangers that we saw in the distance become immediate. However, the truth is that environmental hazards pose more serious risks than epidemic and pandemic outbreaks, and there is a growing awareness of the need to make structural changes now to avoid future ecological disasters.
We are in a moment of unparalleled concern regarding global warming in which all of us, individually and collectively, reflect on our possible positive contribution to this situation. From the SSIFF we understand that culture and cultural events of these characteristics have a responsibility towards the community in which they take place and have the possibility of proposing new ways of working.
This environmental crisis in which we find ourselves immersed has generated a space of future-oriented possibilities. In its commitment to the environment and to the celebration of a more sustainable Festival, the Festival has created this section where all the details and the evolution of the aforementioned transition can be shared.