72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Iñigo Silva
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Puri Rojo
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Julio Izarra
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Julio Izarra
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Grupo Ilargi
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Bill Viola
11 min. Short film
An 11-year-old girl stands under the roundabout of Los Angeles Central Station, utters a piercing scream that, using the technique of slow motion in one inch, becomes a harmonic scale of 7 notes that together create a melody that serves as structure and soundtrack to the tape. The visual part, the images of the girl who emits the sound, the street scenes, the night shots of industrial zones, those of surgery, suggest primitive fear, darkness, materialism... In short, the terrible separation between the body and spirit.
International Selection on Television
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Lyn Blumenthal , Carol Ann Klonarides
9 min. Short film
Chicago Panorama
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Juan Andrés Crego
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Christine Domkowski, Heiner Mühlenbrock
Federal Republic of Germany 
25 min. Short film
Six musical themes from the Residents, Crutchfield, Snakefinger, Dome and Throbbin' Gristle serve as soundtracks to six excerpts from recently recovered films, which are propaganda documentaries from the Nazi era. The result is a strange amalgam. The musical aesthetic is that of the cult of the body and speed, which were also cultivated by the Nazis.
Berlin Panorama
Branda Miller
30 min. Short film
Auto-Olympia mixes elements of fiction and documentary to tell the story of an ancient Greek runner who arrives on the scene of the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, confronting the complexity of modern urban life. As he passes through present-day Los Angeles, the vintage corridor encounters a cross-section of its residents: Hell's Angels bikers, caravan tourists and schoolgirls. Each offers a different perspective on the reality of life in the city that will be the setting for the biggest spectacle of 1984, the Summer Olympics.
International Selection on Television
Itxaropena 'Toti' Martínez de Lezea
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Ika Schier
Federal Republic of Germany 
15 min. Short film
A video opera in five acts. The video is about love and death, color and form, light and two-dimensionality. The actors remain motionless like dolls in their house. The monitor, the only true polychinelas stage, is here the doll house.
Berlin Panorama
Esperanza Goikolea
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Anton Lazcano
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Dan Sandin, Copper Giloth, Mark McKernin, Sally Rosenthal
5 min. Short film
An investigation into the electronic potential of the medium. What starts out as a simple image processing investigation turns into a complex artificial intelligence.
Chicago Panorama
Dalibor Martinis, Sanja Ivekovic
11 min. Short film
Simplicity, inner tranquility, harmony, the achievement of the highest sophistication with natural means, these are the essential values of Chanoyu, the traditional art of serving tea. This tape is dedicated to Kakuzō Okakura's The Book of Tea and is an ironic commentary on our Western culture. Using a simple storyline, a nervous young couple, bad tea, and bad television, the filmmakers show what's left of this ceremony. But beneath the surface of the obvious lies beauty and elegance. The harmony that seemed lost is still there.
International Selection on Television
Marian Kiss
Federal Republic of Germany 
57 min. Medium-length film
It is a narration produced for ZDF, the second channel of German television. The authors are not television producers, nor are they within the television circuits. Based on a classic horror and vampire story, they compose a modern fiction using the filmic language of commercial advertising.
Berlin Panorama
José Luis Aldecoa
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Michel Jaffrennou
16 min. Short film
Television interpretation of the show Video Circus. This videogram, with allusions to P. Klee, Bacon, Warhol, Escher and Jasper Johnson, is a circus of images and sounds in which the components of the video are played with: the snow on the receiver, the frame of the screen or its outside framing, the digital image, here a flying carpet... and all this when juxtaposed, creates the impression of a circus. As in him, the complex machinery is precise but hidden, at the service of the desired effect, seductive, the object of various games or simply a toy.
International Selection on Television
Antonio Herranz
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
John Manning, Barbara Latham
Short film
Chicago Panorama
Pablo L. Sedano
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Marie Andre
10 min. Short film
On a beach on the Belgian coast the striped fabrics of the windbreaks. The desire of a woman seeks to pose you. When heat and sound submerge her. Like in waves.
International Selection on Television
Barbara Latham
6 min. Short film
Analyze consumerism and how it is integrated into each one. Two women tell their passion for certain foods. Each one describes their food obsessions, they talk about how food makes them feel and the story of that desire.
Chicago Panorama
Antoni Muntadas
25 min. Short film
The credit titles, through their visual, sound-musical, graphic, typographic, format and rhythm aspects, reflect the way in which every program, production or institution chooses to represent itself. By giving prominence and mounting several of these marginal segments of television and film production one after the other, Muntadas is once again interested in the "invisible" information behind every mass media broadcast. The author believes that this tape, although with a certain duration, should not really have an end.Muntadas has focused his attention on a reflection on the mass media and its impact. He works with different media and communication systems, regularly using video since 1971. He is a Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at M.I.T. of Cambridge and his work has had an international projection for years. This year he has received the Guggenheim scholarship.
Spanish Panorama
Ingo Günther
Federal Republic of Germany 
5 min. Short film
the monitor is a cage, a black box. Inside, high-speed edited images fly like crazy in all directions. Illusion of three-dimensionality through Quantel computer effects. Banal everyday objects: a red Thoe, a silver can, a yellow helmet. heads and faces in 'close-up'. Repeated themes that rotate at high speed. Impossible to focus. The world is upside down and backwards. The audio attacks with a terrible noise and the environment that is heard is unnerving restlessness.
International Selection on Television
Juan Carlos Eguillor
17 min. Short film
Eguillor is inspired by the historical figure of Giordano Bruno, one of many personalities linked to the legend of Monte Veritá, Locarno (Switzerland). The theme has been imposed by the Monte Veritá Prize awarded to this director for his first video work Bilbao, la muerte and has been made at the Facs Studios in Locarno. Eguillor is mainly known for his comics and illustrations and currently collaborates with ATC, a company dedicated to computer animation.​
Spanish Panorama
Gerd Conradt
Federal Republic of Germany 
60 min.
The video describes six personal stories in a neighborhood affected by the sanitation plans: Berlin-Charlottenburg. The black and white sequences from 1973 show the situation and struggles of these people when sanitation began. In 1983, these same people were confronted with those sequences.
Berlin Panorama
Max Almy
4 min. Short film
It is another work that was originally presented as an installation for six monitors. Work poses stress in modern cities. A man is seen running without a fixed goal, while a woman's voice burns him so that he does not stop, so that he reaches his goal.
Max Almy Retrospective
Robert Wilson
27 min. Short film
Staging for television of a play. It is again repetitions and variations of the same sequences.
Robert Wilson Retrospective
Antonio Abad Abad
24 min. Short film
An essay on suicide, from the area of Spain where there is a higher suicide rate: Galicia. Or better, an essay about life and death, about joy and despair. To do this, the author links a series of images and texts in an associative and sinuous discourse, torn from the recording of a radio program that addresses the same theme.
Spanish Panorama
Gusztáv Hámos
Federal Republic of Germany 
20 min. Short film
"I have identified with Flash Gordon, the science fiction hero. I have immersed myself in his character by watching all his films in which he is always invincible. During whole nights I have listened to his voice in radio serials, I have started working with a camera of video: I show everything about it, the rest belongs to each one's imagination".
Berlin Panorama
Klaus Von Bruck, Heike-Melba Fendel
Federal Republic of Germany 
4 min. Short film
In this film, Klaus vom Bruch works as a duo for the first time and takes his cinematic outbursts further than ever. It is the erotic game of a man and a woman, which turns into a fight for a kiss, perhaps a fight between them. The sound montage of a fragmented tap dance by Fred Astaire manages to simulate the plunge of a locomotive and the force of the hectic movement is prolonged in the violence with which Klaus vom Bruch makes his passion known.The screeching sound jumps from right to left and back again, as a reinforcement in the representation of the male-female antagonism.
International Selection on Television
José Luis Terán
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Koen Theys
25 min. Short film
This is the first in a three-film series dealing with conquest, dependency, and control."Diana is, in Greco-Roman mythology, the goddess of fertility and war, but she is better known as the goddess of the hunt, which is probably a synthesis of both. I have used her as an object for a classical theme: the artist and its model. I transfer the man-environment relationship (in this case nature) and the woman-man relationship (in this case instinct) to my own reality, through video resources".
International Selection on Television
Christoph Dreher
Federal Republic of Germany 
5 min. Short film
This work presents the Berlin group Die Haut in a strange drama of love and death, camaraderie and male honor; with famous stars like Klaus Kinski and Esther Williams. Exciting zenith: a night riding of cowboys in the surf. As a soundtrack the success of Die Haut: Caribbean Western.
Berlin Panorama
Juan Ortuoste
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Joan Jonas
27 min. Short film
International Selection on Television
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Gerardo Armesto
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Lourdes de la Cal
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Iñaki Aizpuru
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Mariví Ibarrola
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Concha Elorza
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
X. Gutiérrez, J.C. Arantegui, J. de Paul
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Antonio F. Cano
18 min. Short film
A different look at a TVE broadcast about the Cycling Tour of Spain, in contrast with the action of two women who pedal on individual gym bikes.Film awarded at the Madrid Video Festival.
Spanish Panorama
Gipuzkoako Ikastolen Elkartea
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Begoña Gorospe
Panorama of Basque Video
Armando Dolader
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Carles Roig
14 min. Short film
"Discreetly, but with that force that is not well known where it comes from I want to say what I say, the elementary and clear things that move me: feelings, longings, anxieties, the simple doing and undoing of each day. I can affirm that I am happy doing it, intensely happy many times. I want to leave what I say, enough. I will say other things later." Miquel Marti I Pol
Spanish Panorama
Mikel Ibarrondo
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Monika Funke-Stern
Federal Republic of Germany 
50 min. Medium-length film
The old idea of the creation of a synthetic being, developed here in an unusual context and, however, in an everyday and very familiar framework. Only the perspective of the camera, the editing and the sound produce distance and originality.
Berlin Panorama
Rose Finn-Kelcey, Steve Hawley, Harry Walton
United Kingdom 
17 min. Short film
"The material for this film is taken from a performance I did in May '83 at the Serpentine Gallery. A kind of blitzkrieg that takes place on a large table. The cutouts were drawn from past and present historical moments: famous politicians, heroes , movie stars and a multitude of images associated with war and conflicts".The tape is not a mere documentation of the performance but an extension of it and thus a work in itself, deliberately structured to emphasize the filmic references from which they were drawn but now revived with disturbing irony and innocent loss of context.
International Selection on Television
Michael Smith
5 min. Short film
Following the American television tradition of "entertainment", and using the same language, Michael Smith satires ordinary America. proposing himself as a hero, the morality of the old West, that of everything-is-possible-in-America, invites him to achieve success. everything is ready, everything is possible for you and me, the hero-anti-hero Mike must go for it. Many trust him, thousands of viewers need Mike to get it.
International Selection on Television
Gko. Ikastolen Elkartea
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
José Ordorika, Isidro Ortíz , Joaquín Sanz
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Nicole Widart
Short film
It is a fiction made on the theme of unemployment and mental health.
Nicole Wildart Retrospective
Wayne Fielding
17 min. Short film
With influences from Buñuel, Deren and Cocteau, he builds a world through various transitions. The relationship that revolves around the illusion of a woman, about the apparent suicide of her friend.
Chicago Panorama
Max Almy
5 min. Short film
It is an installation project for four monitors done in black and white. It is an exploration of the narrative structure dealing with the subject of personal relationships. Its structure is formal, but its content is deeply psychological.
Max Almy Retrospective
Nicole Widart
Short film
Documentary made from images of Belgian steel workers' strikes. presented in Arles 1984.
Nicole Wildart Retrospective
A. Rojo
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Begoña Gorospe
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Jacques Louis Nyst, Danièle Nyst
15 min. Short film
To illustrate the simultaneous movements of the reading heads of a tape recorder, of thought and of the earth, the development of the script will be that of a conversation between two characters: Theresa Plane and Codaca.Sometimes the images of thought escape from the optical scene to which they are confronted. It is what is commonly called "distraction".The subject of the conversation is Codaca's intention to leave the earth, the night, in a small gray corner. Theresa doesn't see the point, however she doesn't object. The discussion is interrupted with the game.
International Selection on Television
Juanjo Ortiz
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
J. Mitxelena
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Miguel A. Múgica
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Max Almy
11 min. Short film
When he started having a shortcut in One-pass Video, he did this work with digital images. Effectively blending synthetic imagery, animated imagery, and synthetic music, it takes the viewer on an alarming journey from this century to the next.
Max Almy Retrospective
J.C. Iglesias
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
José Luis Martínez de Antoñana
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Jill Kroesen
10 min. Short film
International Selection on Television
Kirsten Johannsen
Federal Republic of Germany 
35 min. Medium-length film
The life of women in Berlin differs from that of men. The city is a natural setting for the man, it is the place where he can do something, while the woman feels alienated and ends up introverting.
Berlin Panorama
Jesús Serrano
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Iñaki Aizpuru
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Equipo Looking
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Max Almy
4 min. Short film
A very attractive man is lying in the sun. It is only this image, and it is accompanied by a voice that begins by describing him as an irresistible being, and, continuing a strange and almost imperceptible play on words, ends by declaring him tremendously boring.
Max Almy Retrospective
Danielle Jeaggi
France - Switzerland 
18 min. Short film
It is the confrontation of the intimate diary that I had at the age of 16, with the memories of one of the protagonists at an important moment. A new way to return this newspaper. Yesterday a notebook, today a camera. Images of the present, writings of the past.
International Selection on Television
Julio Izarra
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Edward Rankus
17 min. Short film
A possible crime of passion seen from the angle of the criminal, now a prisoner, as he tells it in his diary. There are some subordinate metaphors that support this premise: the use of medical and psychological knowledge as a tool to build an expressionist space for drama.
Chicago Panorama
Itxaropena 'Toti' Martínez de Lezea
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Gregorio Roldán (Colectivo Video Doméstico), José R. Márquez (Colectivo Video Doméstico), Luis Carlos Méndez (Colectivo Video Doméstico)
9 min. Short film
First part of a future trilogy dedicated to various biblical motifs. A somewhat sui generis attempt to approach the myth of Cain and Abel, presented as the eternal struggle between farmers and ranchers. The soundtrack is composed and performed by the authors themselves.
Spanish Panorama
José M. Salazar
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
José Ramón da Cruz
24 min. Short film
A story of subtle humor in which a deformed being evokes the murder of a domestic worker. A rigorous and deliberately austere narrative that represents a coherent way of assuming the limits of the half-inch material with which it was made.Film awarded at the first Madrid Video Festival.
Spanish Panorama
John Manning
15 min. Short film
Highly manipulated computer and video images are combined and layered into an intricate mosaic, an example of misrepresentation, half-truths, inconsistencies, and platitudes gleaned from public discourse media channels.
Chicago Panorama
Nicole Widart
Short film
Documentary made from various reports made during the Belgian steel workers' strike in March 1982. It has been presented at INPUT 83; Voir des Videos (Brussels); Montbéliard Festival 1984 (Aid to Creation Award); Pompidou Center, June 1984; Arles, 1984. It has been selected for the Critics' Biennale at the International Culture Center in Anvers, Worl Wide Festival 1984 in The Hague, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Video 84 in Montreal, Palais des Expositions in Paris and broadcast by Videographie RTBF- Liège in June 1984.
Nicole Wildart Retrospective
Max Almy
4 min. Short film
As in science fiction, using the weapons of the future, he shows us the making of a perfect leader programmed by a computer. It is the first work in a series of satires of a social nature.
Max Almy Retrospective
John Sanborn
United Kingdon 
175 min. Series
It is a Video-Opera conceived in seven episodes for television, in the manner of a serial. Written and engineered by composer Roberts Ashley, it is the product of six years of intense work, and extensive collaboration with John Sanborn, who acts as director, Peter Gordon, music producer, Carlotta Schoolman, producer of "The Kitchen" gallery. , 'Blue' Gene Tyranny, musical collaborator, Jil Kroesen and David Van Tiegham, vocalists. Perfect Lives is a musical narrative that tells the story of two musicians who arrive in a small town in the American Mid-West to play at the "Perfect Lives Lounge". For an inexplicable reason, they find themselves involved in a "heist" that intends to carry out the perfect crime. The perfect crime is a metaphor for something more philosophical: withdrawing a considerable amount of money from the Bank and making everyone believe that it has been lost.Perfect Lives is based on the Seven Temples of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Each chapter of the opera corresponds to the values of each of the templates, which deal with the different problems that a dead person must overcome in order not to have to be reincarnated again. These concepts, which the Book of the Dead also defines graphically, have been used in this way by John Sanborn and Dean Wrinkler, basing themselves on them as a visual basis for each of the seven episodes. All the collaborators who have participated in Perfect Lives have been free to interpret, improvise, invent and even superimpose the characteristics of their own artistic styles. The collaborators have become "characters" at a much deeper level than those who normally appear on stage.1.- THE PARK Raoul de Noget (Robert Ashley) and his friend Buddy ('Blue' Gene Tyranny) arrive in a small town to play at a club. They meet up with Isolde (Jill Kroesen) and her brother 'D' (David Van Thiegham) and plan the perfect crime. 'D' works at the Bank and knows the number of the safe, as well as the intentions of a cashier to elope with her boyfriend, an issue that they want to take advantage of to circulate the money in the car of the escapees.The Park is Temple no.1. Its representation is horizontal. A flat landscape and an open horizon. It also implies movement. It is the opening to life.2.- THE SUPERMARKET We meet a lot of townspeople, Jennifer, Kate, Eleanor, Linda and Susie. Susie has fallen in love with Buddy. Helen and John have also fallen in love, but they are not allowed to marry. On weekends they rent adjoining rooms in a motel, and shop at the supermarket.The Supermarket is temple no.2. Its representation is two separate lines that approach the same point in the distance, giving the impression that they are going to converge. The lines remain separate and we never reach their point of union.3.- THE BANKAll love stories go on. Raoul and Buddy, with their dogs and also Isolde, enter the Bank. An altercation over the dogs ensues, and Isolde takes advantage of it to force the Director to check the Safe and discover that they have been stolen.The Bank is the temple no.3. The representation is vertical, from top to bottom. The template has to do with the organization of the structures, and with the rupture of this order. It also describes the memories of the past life, and the break with these memories.4.- THE BAR Raoul and Buddy celebrate their day off at a Bar, where they meet Rodney and his wife Baby, who pretends to be a Boogie Woogie singer. Buddy gives him lessons with the help of "The Lessons" video-cassette, which he sells in record stores. Rodney starts philosophical conversations.The Bar is the temple nº4. Its representation are several vertical lines. It means expanding the vision of the city, seeing things not only as oneself, broadening the horizon of the personal field.5.- THE LIVING ROOMThe Sheriff and his wife, Ida (parents of Isolde and 'D') start a conversation to try to discover who is the author of the "hit". Ida gives him the key, but it's too late.The Living Room is the temple no.5. the graph is divided into two exactly equal parts. equal volumes, the symmatry of nature. The viewer will want to make connections between one and the other, and also to see them independently.6.- THE CHURCHTwo weddings take place at the same time. Raoul is narrating the story at the Holyday Inn, while acting as judge at the second wedding. at the end of the episode, all the roles Ashley has played (from narrator, supermarket manager, Justice of the peace, etc...) intertwine with each other like a whirlwind.The Church is the temple nº6. One thing is surrounded by another, in the form of circles. They are representations of cosmic circles.7.- THE BACKYARD Back in the city, a few friends have gone on a picnic, as is normal in summer, to celebrate the change in light. Looking through the door, we see Isolde counting her days.The Backyard is the temple no.7. The temple means the gate of heaven, through which only Lucille can escape and not be reincarnated again.
Music Videos
Arantza Franco
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Iñigo Salaberria
11 min. Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
Beth Berolzheimer
8 min. Short film
"Time in art implies continuity, movement, horizontal progression. My deep interest in video contradicts its essential quality in that I look at it as a static form (at least in my work) since each frame is the complete representation, with the product of a frozen time".
Chicago Panorama
Bill Seaman
11 min. Short film
By means of a still image montage where the segments of the image move at different speeds, Seaman creates a film of great beauty in which the landscape is continuously undone and assembled, transforming itself into a sculptural presence that evokes connections between man and his or her environment. The camera focuses on objects that represent key forms of post-war American sculpture: Tombstones reminiscent of Carl André's granite pieces, buildings that resemble Joel Shapino's houses, a stainless steel Container that could be the work of by Donald Judd...The conjunction of images and audio (stereo soundtrack) indirectly create a generic character, S.he, to whom a series of sometimes contradictory qualities are attributed. But who is S.he? The identity of the artist? The city? Something he admires?
International Selection on Television
Anton Merikaetxebarria
Panorama of Basque Video
Orestes Lara
Short film
Spanish Panorama
Lyn Blumenthal
20 min. Short film
The Social Studies tape uses a text from the popular Cuban weekly soap opera Horizontes with an extratextual commentary based on standard advertisement techniques.
Chicago Panorama
Dough Hall
18 min. Short film
It is a work elaborated as a whole, a series of 5 episodes united by a common theme but with different plots, in which the editing and the choice of images mark the rhythm. There is no narrative continuity that conveys the message of the tape, but rather a series of images that, together with the soundtrack, create a visually appealing and sometimes annoying context.​
International Selection on Television
E. Daniel Kleper
10 min. Short film
It is the dramatization of the deep personal and universal relationship between father and son. Through the use of a variety of costumes as a visual symbol, the film shows with humor, sensitivity and seriousness the different stages of the development of this bond.
Chicago Panorama
Robert Snyder
9 min. Short film
"This is my first attempt at making a video using a timer device for sound and color. All color is orchestrated in brilliant 'octaves' that correspond to the range of audio signals."
Chicago Panorama
Miroslaw Rogala
Short film
Chicago Panorama
Ellen El Malki
Federal Republic of Germany 
18 min. Short film
Video-collage of sounds, graphic comics and scenes around the experiences of three boys torn between adaptation and adventure in the attempt to realize an idea.
Berlin Panorama
Robert Wilson
56 min. Medium-length film
Work done for television, whose language is basically theatrical. The protagonist is an 11-year-old boy who looks through a wide window in the kitchen of his house. The description of his dreams and fantasies traces a dream logic controlled by a man from a video panel installed in a car. There is no language or dialogue. The music is by Nicolas Economou.
Robert Wilson Retrospective
Max Almy
4 min. Short film
It is a satirical take on image-making and marketing strategy for a political candidate, mixing live footage, computer animation, special effects and original music.
International Selection on Television
Kit Fitzgerald
40 min. Medium-length film
It is a symphonic poem made for television, product of the conjunction of sound and image inspired by the novel by Thomas Hardy.It is not the plot of an intrigue, but the subjective interpretation of the linguistic imagery of this author where the narrative side of the story is not evident, but rather suggested by means of the setting and musical harmonies. The tape takes poetry from the novel and the poetic form of the chapter headings such as: "Those we found where it was said there would be no one" or "How a small sound causes a great dream."
International Selection on Television
Burt Barr
19 min. Short film
The tape tells the story of a man obsessed with the woman who lives in the apartment next door. He has a fixation on her and they are both irritated and intrigued. The woman's innocent behavior upsets him.
International Selection on Television
Francesc Torres
22 min. Short film
Torres is based on the theories of the neurologist Paul McLean, who distinguishes three superimposed levels or strata in the human brain, the most primitive of which would present a great similarity with the cerebral structure of reptiles. Through the montage of archival images and allegorical images, Though Limo identifies the reptilian nature of certain human behaviors under the symbol of the tank as a vehicle-limousine of militarism and bellicosity.
Spanish Panorama
Taller de imagen Alkorta
Short film
Basque Selection - Basque Video Contest
José Julián Baquedano
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Nicole Widart
Short film
Modeled on the music clip, it features Belgian writer Eugène Sawytzkaya and one of his books, The Disappearance of Mom. She intersperses images among which appear the ghosts of the writer themselve, his places, his literary inspiration. She superimposes all the images like an avalanche, until you don't know what you see. It also stages the reading process and the decomposition of the reading body by the electronic image.It is a project selected and carried out in the Charleoi Palace of Fine Arts Competition (Retrospectives et Perspectives, 1983). It has been presented at the 1983 San Sebastian Festival, Charleroi, Bâle, "Voir des Vidéos" in Brussels, "Vidéo, vous avez di vidéo?" in Liège, and selected for the Worl Wide Video Festival in The Hague 1984, and broadcast by Videographie RTBF-Liège in June 1984.
Nicole Wildart Retrospective
Astrid Heibach
Federal Republic of Germany 
20 min. Short film
A Western woman tries to approach the Eastern world from a trip to Japan. "In Tokyo I found myself immersed in a strange closed system that I was able to understand only symbolically, sometimes feeling important. The Japanese enjoy simulation. They love to copy themselves to be able to cross time and space."
Berlin Panorama
X. Gutiérrez, J.L. Arantegui
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Grupo Lagun
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
Xavier Vilaverde
28 min. Short film
The interaction of the protagonist with King Kong, through the mediation of a domestic-type video recorder that reproduces the main scenes of the famous classic, forms the essential narrative axis of Veneno puro, a film that emerged from the project of making a horror-video, a "spell of the cheerful face of the vampire", as its authors speak of it.Film awarded at the first Madrid Video Festival and MonitEUR Award.
Spanish Panorama
Robert Wilson
40 min. Medium-length film
As in his best productions, it is based on the repetition and variation of fixed images, using the advertising "spot" as support for one hundred uninterrupted speeches, each lasting less than thirty seconds. The music, by Alan Lloyd, uses a series of well-known melodies as a counterpoint to images that represent noises, gestures and ordinary faces. Initially thought to be inserted between television advertising, they are mini-narrations that would appear gratuitously, like chance. It is a co-production of the INA, NIRT and ZDF and the Pompidou Center in Paris.
Robert Wilson Retrospective
Marcel Odenbach
Federal Republic of Germany 
8 min. Short film
It is a juxtaposition of modern and primitive cultures. Images that open and close, camouflaging the field of vision. References from Western culture, represented in black and white with their characteristic sounds, are mixed with tropical objects from Latin America, represented in red, yellow and blue colors. Miners working underground and images of a terrible catastrophe. Technology and mass society, black and gray opposing fantasy and the individual. Neither the Revolution nor the Resolution... will help. The white race will return to the spirit, without it cannot return anywhere else. The powerful and aggressive sound of a buzz concludes the work.
International Selection on Television
Janice Tanaka
11 min. Short film
It's like riding foam waveswearing crystal slippersyour feet, the crystalthe water, they are one.
Chicago Panorama
Max Almy
2 min. Short film
It is a project that is currently being presented at the Stedlijk Museum in Amsterdam in the form of an installation, incorporating sculpture, light and theatrical forms. It is a work on the mentality of corporations, the latest formula in the business world. As in the previous work, it is a satire, and Max Almy wants to convert it into a tape for a single channel. We will view extracts from this work that is currently in the process of being prepared.
Max Almy Retrospective
Short film
Panorama of Basque Video
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