Z365" or "Festival all year round" is the new strategic point of the Festival in which converge investigation, accompaniment and development of new talents (Ikusmira Berriak, Nest); training and cinematic knowledge transfer (Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, Zinemaldia + Plus, Filmmakers' dialogue); and investigation, disclosure and cinematic thought (Z70 project, Thought and Discussion and Research and publications).
Conversations is a section of the San Sebastian Festival created to promote dialogue on film from an industrial, creative and educational perspective. Based in Tabakalera (Sala de Cine and Sala Z), the section consists of different round tables and master classes that, during the nine days of the Festival, allow us to delve into the creative processes of filmmakers or discuss the trends and challenges of the film industry. It is also a space to discuss the impact of the main social debates on film and the responsibility of festivals in these issues.
In recent years, Albert Serra, Kitty Green, Deborah Williams, C. Tangana and the Little Spain collective, Artur Tort, Elena López Riera, Raven Jackson, Aaron Sorkin, Marc Orts, Ted Hope, Lila Avilés, Ruth Beckermann and Christian Petzold, among others, have taken part in Conversations.