72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Andrés Di Tella
Argentina - Chile 
79 min.
A documentary by Andrés Di Tella starring Ricardo Piglia, one of the great narrators in the Spanish language, who decides to closely read his intimate diary for the first time. A record of 50 years of life. 327 identical notebooks, all with black oilskin covers, stored away in 40 cardboard boxes.
Simon Rouby
82 min.
Premiered at Annecy Film Festival, an animated coming-of-age story. 12-year-old Adama lives in a remote West African village. One night his older brother, Samba, disappears and he decides to set off in search of him on a quest that takes him over the seas, to the North, to the frontline of the First World War.
Marcia Tambutti Allende
Chile - Mexico 
98 min.
35 years after the coup d'état that overthrew her grandfather, Salvador Allende, Marcia draws a family portrait that addresses the complexities of irreparable loss and the role of memory in three generations of an iconic family. Winner of the L'Oeil d'Or award for Best Documentary at the last Cannes Festival.
Corneliu Porumboiu
Romania - France 
89 min.
Corneliu Porumboiu returns with a tender black comedy, in which a father's love transforms an unlikely treasure hunt into a fairytale. Winner of the Un Certain Talent Prize at the last Cannes Festival.
Jem Cohen
110 min.
Fifteen distinct but interconnected chapters, shot in locations from Russia to New York City to Istanbul. Together, these build to a reckoning at the intersection of city symphony, diary, and essay film. Perhaps the most personal of Cohen's documentary works, it measures street life, light, and time, noting not only surveillance and over-development but resistance and its phantoms as manifested in music, animals and everyday magic.
Alex Guimerà, Juan Pajares
80 min.
Angono Mba, recalls the expedition when he worked as porter for the filmmaker Hernández Sanjuán, travelling round Spanish Guinea from 1944 to 1946, in search of a mysterious lake where, legend would have it, you could see 10,000 elephants. 
Magnus von Horn
Poland - Sweden - France 
102 min.
The feature directorial debut by Magnus von Horn premiered at the Cannes Festival Directors’ Fortnight. After having served time in prison, John's punishment has come to an end. But he soon discovers that the real pain he needs to experience has not yet begun.
Alexander Sokurov
France - Germany - Netherlands 
87 min.
Paris 1940: Large armies are trampling on the heart of civilisation and cannon fire is once again taking its toll. Jacques Jaujard and Count Franziskus Wolff Metternich worked together to protect and preserve the treasure of the Louvre Museum. Alexander Sokurov tells their story. He explores the relationship between art and power, and asks what art tells us about ourselves, at the very heart of one of the most devastating conflicts the world has ever known. The film will compete in the Official Selection of the Venice Film Festival.
Laurie Anderson
75 min.
Composer and artist Laurie Anderson explores in this personal essay film themes of love death and language. The director’s voice is a constant presence as stories of her dog Lolabelle, her mother, childhood fantasies, political and philosophical theories unfurl in a seamless song like stream. The film will compete in the Official Selection of the Venice Film Festival.
Eric Khoo
Hong Kong - Singapore 
103 min.
Eric Khoo's latest film is a tapestry of stories, all of which unfold in a hotel room over several decades. The common thread is sex. That hotel room is Room 27 at the Singapura Hotel, which started out as a ritzy establishment in the 1940s but has, over the decades, lost its sheen of respectability. In that time, Room 27 has felt and experienced - through the individuals who have passed through its doors and made love on its bed - all facets of the human condition: joy, love, fear, compassion, cruelty, depravity and redemption.
Fernando Colomo
101 min.
Fernando Colomo stars in and directs his new film. Fer, a seasoned publicist going through a life crisis, is invited to Menorca by his friend Miguel Angel. There he will meet Nuria, an anti-establishment sculptor, and her daughter Olivia.  
Jean-Gabriel Périot
France - Switzerland - Germany 
93 min.
A chronicle of the political radicalization of a number of German youths in the late 1960s, giving rise to the Red Army Faction (RAF), a German revolutionary terrorist group founded, among others, by Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof. Premiered in the Berlinale's Dokumente Panorama section.
Walter Salles
98 min.
The portrait of a young Chinese director who has become one of the most important filmmakers of our time. The documentary, directed by Walter Salles, dwells on the question of memory (individual as well as collective) and cinema. Jia Zhang-ke returns to his birthplace, the Shanxi province in Northern China, and to the locations of his films. Premiered in the Berlinale's Dokumente Panorama section.
Ivailo Hristov
97 min.
Winner of the top prize at Moscow Film Festival, this film stars Elena, Koko, Patso and Gosho, high school students in a small provincial town. Koko is in love with Elena. She wants to be a singer and is excited about the upcoming concert by a famous rock band. An event that shakes up the town and gives birth to new love.
Marco Berger
103 min.
A butterfly’s flapping wings divides Romino and Germán’s universe into two parallel realities: in one of them they grow as siblings who conceal their desire for one another; while in the other they are two youngsters who have an unusual friendship. Winning film of the Sebastiane Latino 2015 Award.
Mercedes Moncada Rodríguez
88 min.
In his long career as a journalist, Jesús Quintero coined an immense and multifarious universe of characters including those excluded from the prevailing version of the country. His interviews also reflect words not pronounced and bodies that speak even if the sounds they make imply otherwise; his interviews bring us a wealthier, more complex mirror in which to look at ourselves in. The narrative and its interviews, both broadcast and unseen, form the raw material of this story about the years of Democratic Spain. 
João Salaviza
Portugal - France 
91 min.
A hot summer in Lisbon. David, 14, awaits the imminent death of his grandfather but refuses to visit him, fearing this terrible loss. The void already left by his grandfather forces David to become the man of the house. He doesn't feel ready to assume this new role, but without realizing it: the more David tries to avoid adulthood, the more he gets closer to it...Selected for Venice's Critics' Week.
Anca Damian
Romania - France - Poland 
87 min.
The latest film by filmmaker Anca Damian (Crulic) landed a special mention at the Karlovy Vary Festival. In the form of an animated docudrama, the biography of Adam Jacek Winker, a Polish refugee in Paris, portrays a boundless life driven by the desire to change the world.
Paula Ortiz
Spain - Germany 
95 min.
The second film by Paula Ortiz is based on Bodas de Sangre by Federico García Lorca and stars Inma Cuesta, Asier Etxeandía, Leticia Dolera and Álex García. The Bride, grief-stricken and desolate, prepares for her marriage to The Groom in the middle of a white desert... but an invisible thread, powerful and impossible to break, binds The Bride and Leonardo.
Alvaro Longoria
90 min.
Full-length documentary directed by Álvaro Longoria, analysing the different propaganda techniques and strategies, focussing on the surprising and always prominent case of North Korea. The film was made taking advantage of the privileged access to film in North Korea gained thanks to key facilitator Alejandro Cao de Benós, the only foreigner working for the Communist government. It analyses the strategies used by the different "players" to manipulate the "truth" and their interests. False news announcements, half-truths and surrealist controversies allow the spectator to reach their own conclusions and reflect on the difficulty of knowing the truth. 
Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero
80 min.
Teenagers Birdboy and Dinky have decided to escape from an island devastated by ecological catastrophe: Birdboy by shutting himself off from the world, Dinky by setting out on a dangerous voyage in the hope that Birdboy will accompany her.
Benedikt Erlingsson
Iceland - UK 
73 min.
Benedikt Erlingsson, winner of the Kutxa-New Directors Award in 2013 for Of Horse and Men, takes us back to the days when the most outlandish, skillful and breathtaking acts traveled the world. In this film, rarities and never-before seen footage of fairgrounds, circus entertainment, freak shows, variety performances, music hall and seaside entertainment are chronicled from the 19th and 20th century with an original score by Sigur Rós.
Remton Zuasola
96 min.
A young father torn between solving a crime and committing another when his only son is kidnapped and the only way to get him back is to kidnap another child in exchange for his life.
Tucker Dávila Wood
© Tucker Dávila Wood
Tucker Dávila Wood
9 min. Short film
A duel in the forest, on any ordinary day.
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