72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Zinemira - Basque Film Showcase
Zinemira - Basque Film Showcase
Patxo Tellería, Aitor Mazo
102 min.
A tale of a teenager taking his first steps as he discovers a passion for painting in the harsh context of a Bilbao working-class area during the grey later years of the Franco dictatorship. In this environment hostile to beauty and art, we will meet a group of foundry workers who paint in their free time; enthusiasts who paint simply for love of the art.
Josu Martínez
52 min.
Before she turned two, Haize?s father, Mikel Goikoetxea, a refugee nicknamed ?Txapela?, was killed by the GAL. With no recollection of the man whatsoever, 25 years down the line she starts asking questions. Itsasoaren alaba is a testimony to an exercise of the memory. Piecing together the testimonies of those who knew him, Haize gradually discovers her father and his time, mixing different worlds and feelings, and converting the spectators into witnesses of the unrepeatable journey to her own roots.
Arkaitz Basterra
Spain-Czech Republic 
79 min.
One of the most successful moviemakers in the Europe of the sixties, Vojtech Jasny (Czech Republic, 1925) now lives in a small New York apartment. In Jasny?s case, life and film are inseparable concepts. By visiting friends who are still alive, in Life and Film, Jasny narrates in first person his own story and a series of specific episodes in his life: the Nazi invasion and subsequent Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, exile and his arrival to New York years later. Furthermore, due to his constant social and political commitment, the KGB made several attempts on his life. Though forgotten by many, Jasny continues to make movies: ?Films are my message and I?ll make them until I die.?
Andrea Olabarria
110 min.
Three teenage stories fuse beneath the calm of a quiet, average neighbourhood. Having barely survived a suicide attempt, Jess guards a devastating secret. Connor is training to become a professional boxer, but a sexual adventure from the past continues to haunt him. And Ann, who has never had a boyfriend, develops an obsessive love. At one point, their secrets come to a head, changing their lives forever.
Gorka Gamarra Laguntzaileak / With the collaboration of / Con la colaboración de: Jean Marie Mbarushimana, Sonia Rolley
52 min.
A few days prior to liberation of the second group of prisoners accused of genocidal crimes in Rwanda, a hundred or so members of the Ukuri Kuganze association, chiefly survivors of the Rwandan Genocide, and some of their executioners, set free in a first batch after having confessed and pleaded for pardon in 2003, gather at a rehabilitation centre. They concentrate on one of their main activities: talking about what happened. These executioners return to their homes, often in the same places that they committed the crimes, where they will have to ?confront? their victims to ask them for forgiveness. It?s time to invoke the first meetings between survivors and executioners. Some have already forgiven, others no.
Juan Miguel Gutiérrez
68 min.
Juanjo Franco Zabalegi died in San Sebastian on 19 June 2008. This documentary endeavours to portray his life and the keys to his creative processes. Family, friends, students, friends with whom he spent his spare time and colleagues focus their recollections on explaining different aspects, in many cases unknown, of his busy life as a filmmaker, artist, teacher...
Juanjo Franco Zabalegi
9 min.
Juanjo Franco Zabalegi (1934-2008) led a fertile career as a moviemaker, artist, teacher, etc., in San Sebastian. His work includes the short film Nere Erria, an experimental production from 1968 which, making the most of the song of the same title by Lurdes Iriondo, describes the political situation existing during those last years of the Franco regime in the Basque Country.
Roberto Castón
128 min.
Ander, a farmer in his 40s, lives a routine life split between his job at a bicycle factory and agricultural work on the farm where he lives with his mother and sister. One day when he has an accident and breaks a leg, despite his mother?s reticence, the family decides to hire a Peruvian immigrant, José, to do the farmwork. José?s arrival brings change to life in the house and to Ander, who starts feeling things of which he didn?t think himself capable, causing terrible conflict deep down inside. His relationships with Peio, his best friend, and Reme, the local prostitute, are also modified by this person who obliges them to take positions.
Fermín Muguruza, Javier Corcuera
70 min.
A journey through one of the places always under the world spotlight, yet about which we actually know very little. Who are its most representative musicians and how do they live? What do they think of the unique fate that has fallen upon them to live and how do they deal with it in their words and tunes? From the neon signs of Tel Aviv to the poverty and despair of the West Bank occupied territories and the enormous concentration camp now sitting on the Gaza Strip, Checkpoint Rock shares, with musicians of widely differing styles, travelling from village to village and checkpoint to checkpoint, a voyage that will change our view of this people in conflict.
Aizpea Goenaga
89 min.
The action starts at a cookery school where six last-year chef-to-be students cry their eyes out (over chopped onions): Alberto (a Bolivian immigrant with Indian features), Piras (a bright, lively boy), Ikerne (a village girl of modern, healthy aspect), Galder (a little older than the others, a lost man), Xalba (the good looking one, a surfer) and Estefanía (a young girl with no interest in cooking forced to take the class by her parents, owners of a small restaurant). The teacher, Juantxo, will try to make something of this lazy bunch, but it won?t be easy as problems pour in on all sides.
Oriana Alcaine, Alejandra Márquez
12 min. Short film
Irma walks up and down the aisles of a market repeating a list of ingredients to herself. She can remember the first four but keeps forgetting the fifth ingredient. To retrieve the lost memory, Irma embarks on a journey to the deepest part of her consciousness.
Koldo Almandoz
12 min.
Suddenly, ducks cross the screen.
Telmo Esnal
9 min.
Sometimes, couples who have children miss Grandma? But only sometimes.
Iban del Campo
24 min.
Burlesque is the new punk rock according to Dirty Martini, who reveals some of the secrets of her art in night clubs and cabarets in New York's Off-Off Broadway, where the revival of burlesque as a form of mass popular entertainment is exported to the rest of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, burlesque is back!!
Anartz Zuazua
14 min.
Laura asks the Three Kings for a grandfather.
David González Rudiez
6 min.
Every night in her room, Grandma invents stories for the brother and sister...
Nacho Vigalondo
3 min.
All women are Marisa, but Marisa is just one woman.
Jorge Rivero
16 min.
In 1946 one of the most colossal projects ever undertaken in Europe was begun: the construction of the Salime reservoir in a remote mountainous part of Asturias. Joaquín Vaquero Turcios was 22 when he arrived at the site to paint the mural in the turbine hall, a life-changing experience that marked his subsequent personal and artistic career.
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