73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025
Cinema in Motion
Cinema in Motion
Eliane Raheb
80 min.
A feature documentary film that explores the tragic events of the Lebanese Civil War from the point of view of two people whose lives have been inalterably affected by the Civil War: Assaad Shaftari, a "killing machine" who?s seeking redemption and forgiveness, and Maryam Saiidi, who's still searching for her son, Maher, disappeared in 1982 under a military operation in relation with Shaftari's previous militia actions.
Yahya Alabdallah
88 min.
A forty-year-old divorced father learns that he needs to have an operation he can't afford in the next four days. His quest to find the money for the operation pushes him to open old chapters in his life, discovering things he never expected to find. An estranged community where individualism controls behaviour and relationships. A relationship devoid of substance and humanity, but with a son who waits for his father to return.
Khalil Joreige, Joana Hadjithomas
100 min.
In the early 60's, in Lebanon, Manoug Manougian, a professor of mathematics at Haigazian University and his students designed and launched rockets to study and explore space. Later, this space program was joined by other researchers, under the control of the army and with financial contribution of the State. The Lebanese Rocket Society was born. This film relates the incredible adventure.
Annemarie Jacir
45 min.
It's the late 1960s and the world is alive with change: brimming with reawakened energy, new styles and music, and an infectious sense of hope. Tarek, 12, and his young mother are among the latest wave of Palestinian refugees to arrive in Jordan. With difficulties adjusting to life in a refugee camp, Tarek searches for other ways out.
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