72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Horizontes Latinos
Horizontes Latinos
Cristián Jiménez
95 min.
Julio is interviewed by Gazmuri, an elderly writer who needs someone to type up the manuscript of his latest book, but he doesn?t get the job. Rather than tell Blanca, his neighbour and lover, what has happened, he decides to hand-write his own novel and make it look like Gazmuri?s. Trying to come up with a plot, Julio recalls his romance with Emilia when he and she had studied Literature in Valdivia.
Gerardo Naranjo
113 min.
Young Laura clings to her dream of becoming a beauty queen. Her obsession to gain the title lands her in the hands of a gang that?s wreaking terror in northern Mexico. Although she finally bags the crown, her experience as an involuntary participant in the violent gang wars that are shaking the country will change her life.
Milagros Mumenthaler
98 min.
Buenos Aires at the end of summer. Marina, Sofia and Violeta are alone in the family home after their grandmother, who had brought them up, has died. They have to come to terms with her death, each in her own way. Marina concentrates on her studies while looking after the household, whereas Sofia becomes obsessed by her appearance and goes out with friends. As for Violeta, she wanders around between bedroom and sitting room where, from time to time, she receives an older man. Discord, laughter, meanness, gestures of affection determine the rhythm of this period of uncertainty, until one day in autumn Violeta disappears without warning.
Pablo Giorgelli
85 min.
Rubén is a solitary truck driver who for years has been driving from Asunción in Paraguay to Buenos Aires hauling wood. But the journey he?s about to make today will be different: that morning, at a stop on the road near Asunción, Jacinta arrives with someone else, the little Anahí, her 8 month old daughter, who will travel with them. It?s not the best start for Rubén. As the kilometres go by, Rubén and Jacinta get along increasingly well. Slowly, despite their difficulties in communicating, they start understanding one another. Neither tells much about their lives. But neither do they ask much. It is a journey of few words, yet anything but silent. On the point of arriving at their destination, both share the same desire: they don?t want the journey to end.
Renato Pérez Arancibia
90 min.
Javier has to reintegrate with society after 14 years in jail. His family and friends want nothing to do with him, and he rents a room in a house. There he meets the young Amanda, who helps him to find a way of resuming a relationship with the teenage daughter he barely knows.
Iria Gómez Concheiro
150 min.
Four teenagers living in a block of flats in Mexico?s Guerrero colony, friends since childhood, come up with a plan they believe will solve their problems: a cinema hold-up. Each has a different problem and finds his own reason to go ahead with the heist. But the adventure will threaten the only thing they have: their friendship.
Bernardo Arellano
79 min.
Francisco is autistic; he lives with his brother Victor, his sister-in-law, Silvia and his nephew, Bruno. Francisco lives a solitary life, ignored and locked up. His only moments of freedom are his visits to the park. One day, he finds a rat and keeps it as a pet, looking after it and hiding it in his room, until Bruno discovers it and tells Silvia, who has only been waiting for an excuse to get rid of him. They take him to live with his sister Gabriela in a far-off town.
Helvécio Marins Jr., Clarissa Campolina
90 min.
Bastu, 81, lives in an inland Brazilian village where she has been trying to find a new life with the sole company of her granddaughter since her husband?s death. Set around a real village and its inhabitants, the film explores her rich and imaginary, poetic and magical universe, looking at human relations, coexistence between tradition and modernity, reality and dreams, life and death.
Julia Murat
98 min.
Jotuomba is a fictitious town in the Vale do Paraíba (Brazil), where, in the 30s, the big coffee haciendas went broke and once-rich cities practically turned into ghost towns when the trains ground to a halt. Madalena, the village baker, lives there, with the memory of her husband, dead and buried in the now closed city cemetery. Rita, a young photographer, arrives in Jotuomba looking for abandoned trains only to find a fantastic universe.
Sebastián Cordero
95 min.
Blanquito, 30, lives with his mother in a fishing village. One day a cocaine load turns up on the beach. Now he has the chance to travel in search of a better life and the father he never knew, together with a woman who says she can move the drug load. But things aren?t what they seem and soon Blanquito realises that he doesn?t belong anywhere.
Alejandro Landes
101 min.
Taking reality as its base and narrated in poetic tone, the film tells the tale of a man handicapped during the Colombian conflict who decides to take the law into his own hands using rather unconventional methods, his last resort in dealing with a deaf, bureaucratic State that refuses to support him. Living in a remote village in the Colombian Amazon and confined to a universe stretching from his bed to his wheelchair, Porfirio dreams that he can fly.
Carlos Moreno
88 min.
Although it?s Sunday and election day, Salvador gets up early and starts working on his plot like any other morning. He is a humble, peaceful man who pays little attention to the ruckus caused in the village by the election of the next mayor. But his routine is suddenly upset. At some stage during the night, someone has thrown a pile of corpses into his cornfield. Concerned and angry, Salvador makes his way into the village to report the massacre; however, the mayor and commanding police officer decide not to pass on the report so as not to disturb the voting.
Oscar Godoy
84 min.
The story of Julio, a Peruvian emigrant in Chile who has travelled to change his life. On his travels, Julio renounces the different opportunities offered to him as he starts to understand his emotional and spiritual condition.
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