72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“Many directors would give their right eye to be able to list three or four scenes in their filmography worthy of comparison with some of those seen in this film”, Federico Marín Bellón, ABC.


“A hyperbolic symphony of pain, infections, surgery, autopsies, vomiting, tumours, sex, people who feed on plastics, organs and neo-organs (...)”, Jordi Batlle, La Vanguardia.

“Subtle and magnificent”, Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC.

“It is simply a story about the very possibility of stories, about who dictates them, about their political sense, and about their ability to create the world”, Luis Martínez, El Mundo.

“It is, above all, a pure film and splendidly experimental. Because that is what He (in capital letters) – Bowie – was”, Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

“It’s a story one could imagine Vittorio De Sica telling about the age of economic injustice”, Owen Gleiberman, Variety.

“A visual and literary poem”, Uxue Arzelus, Berria.

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