72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“The gravity and forcefulness of Suro, Mikel Gurrea’s first feature film, are impressive”, Andoni Imaz, Berria.

“The French filmmaker gives his best in a very personal, touching and emotionally just film, a revelation for its young star Paul Kircher”, Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa.


“He does not build his narrative discourse based on the anachronistic perspective of condescension, but on the warm and mature empathy of someone who has also been young”, Marta Moleón, La Razón.

“An admired and fascinating declaration of a passion for music”, Juan Zapater, Noticias de Gipuzkoa.

“This cutting, acidic and frenetic French documentary provokes astonishment, rage and impotence”, Mikel G. Gurpegui, El Diario Vasco.

“Mesa very tenderly combines the two worlds, the real and the fantastic, the eternal and the new”, Uxue Arzelus, Berria

“A credible, no-frills adaptation which cuts to the chase (the high price which must be paid by free female spirits) and whose actress embodies the lead role brilliantly”, Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa.

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