72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024

EFF Previous editions
EFF 2021

For the first time in 2015, Creative Europe MEDIA and the Festival organised in San Sebastian the European Film Forum, a platform created that same year by the European Commission to enable structured dialogue between the Commission itself and agents in the audiovisual sector with the aim of developing strategic policies to successfully address the challenges and opportunities generated by the digital revolution.

The main themes of the European Film Forum are funding and the public support of content in the digital era, the changing relationship between European cinema and its audiences and lending support to talent and creativity.

Professionals from the sector, including Jaume Ripoll (Filmin - Spain); Pablo González (Tugg - USA); Alberto Tognazzi (Screen.ly - Spain); Marianne Furevold (NRK - Norway); Fernando López Puig (TVE - Spain); Elena Neira, (La otra pantalla - Spain); Vincenzo Bugno (WCF-Berlinale - Germany); Amaia Remírez (Kanaki Films - Spain); Álvaro Longoria (European Producers Club - Spain); Laoura Ntziourou (EIF – Luxembourg); Lucía Recalde (European Commission, Belgium); Beatriz Navas (ICAA - Spain); François Yon (Playtime Group - France) have participated in the different editions held in recent years in San Sebastian:

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