72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

‘Terribly expressive, dark, seductive and significant’. Oti R. Marchante, ABC


‘Before we know it, we are immersed in the rite’. Mikel Zumeta, Berria


‘A suggestive cocktail (…) focussing on women’s struggle and their right to live their lives and their dreams’. Ricardo Aldarondo, El Diario Vasco

‘The film depicts the story of these two young people in the most beautiful way’. Mikel Zumeta, Berria


‘An original and suggestive way of depicting adolescent dreams and worries, with the ingenuity, irony and sensitivity of François Ozon’. Ricardo Aldarondo, El Diario Vasco


‘An exercise in narrative subjectivity’. Nando Salva, El Periódico

‘A very deep dive indeed, made with clear respect for the complexities of what took place‘. Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily

The Father gives the viewer a first-hand experience of the complexity, of the abyss felt by someone who starts to not trust their own mind‘. Mikel G. Gurpegui, El Diario Vasco


‘An unhesitating debut from Zeller’. Julián Herrero, La Razón

‘Kiyoshi Kurosawa has fully exploited the possibilities of a script through which he has paid tribute to his ever-admired Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchock and Jacques Tourneur’. Koldo Landaluze, Gara

‘When one holds a wonderful film and manages to fill it with such wonderful characters, one doesn’t want to let go of it or of them’. Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco

‘An enjoyable and moving film’. Amaia Garcia, Berria

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