72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
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Professional Agenda

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Professional Agenda - Saturday 19th

10:00 - 20:00
IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with representatives of the selected projects in the IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum (Industry accreditation holders)


Professional Agenda - Sunday 20th

  Other activities
Tabakalera-Room K
12:00 - 13:00
Meeting of Audiovisual clusters’ State network

Participants: heads of the audiovisual clusters of Navarra, Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia and the Canary Islands, together with a representation of the Ministry of Culture composed by Adriana Moscoso, General Director of Cultural Industries (ICC); Beatriz Navas, Director of the Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Elisa Rodríguez, Deputy General Director of Promotion and Institutional Relations; and Carmen Paez, Deputy Director General of Promotion of Cultural Industries of the Ministry. - (Closed)

Kursaal - Press Club
12:15 - 12:45
Presentation ALIA

Presentation ALIA (Alianza Industrial Audiovisual) - (Industry accreditation holders until capacity is reached)


10:00 - 20:00
IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with representatives of the selected projects in the IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum (Industry accreditation holders)


12:00 - 18:00
VI. Ikusmira Berriak

One-to-one meetings with representatives of the selected projects in the residence programme Ikusmira Berriak (Industry accreditation holders)


Professional Agenda - Monday 21st

  Other activities
09:30 - 14:30
Meeting EFAD

EFAD Plenary meeting (European Film Agency Directors) - (Closed)

Kursaal - Press Club
12:00 - 12:30
Presentation PRÓXIMA

Presentation PRÓXIMA (Association of distributors of independent and O. V. cinema) - (Industry accreditation holders until capacity is reached)

13:00 - 13:30
ELKARGI's role for a movie FINANCING

ELKARGI why? What added value proposition does it offer me?
Which are your solutions adapted to my needs as an audiovisual sector? Experience and engagement
Speakers: Felipe Flamarique and Ana Serna

17:00 - 18:00
Building audiences beyond Europe

A vision of how documentary distributors, festivals, exhibitors and distribution platforms face the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic and how they will manage to maintain and increase audiences. - (Open)
Speakers: Mette Hofmann Meyer (Why Foundation); Inti Cordera (DocsMx); Miguel Ribeiro (Doclisboa); and Diana Tabakov (The Doc Alliance Films) Moderator: Alex Navarro (Creative Europe Desk Catalonia).

Event: https://business.facebook.com/EuropaCreativaEuskadi


10:00 - 20:00
IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with representatives of the selected projects in the IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum (Industry accreditation holders)


12:00 - 18:00
VI. Ikusmira Berriak

One-to-one meetings with representatives of the selected projects in the residence programme Ikusmira Berriak (Industry accreditation holders)


Professional Agenda - Tuesday 22nd

  Other activities
12:00 - 13:15
30 MEDIA-tips from the perspective of the MEDIA Desks

The MEDIA Desks from Catalonia, Andalusia, Spain and Euskadi, organize a conference aimed at newcomers and professionals who plan to impulse their projects on the international stage. - (Industry accreditation holders)
Speakers: Alex Navarro (MEDIA Catalonia), Victoria Fernández Andrino (MEDIA Andalusia), Peter Andermatt (MEDIA Spain), y Ainhoa González Sanchiz (MEDIA Euskadi)

15:00 - 16:45
European Film Forum

Beyond COVID-19: Revitalising the European A/V Industry
The coming edition of the San Sebastian Festival’s European Film Forum will reflect on the challenges and opportunities faced by the European audiovisual industry in the context triggered by Covid-19. - Co-organised with Creative Europe MEDIA (Open)

19:00 - 20:00
Conversations: Aaron Sorkin

Aaron Sorkin (New York, USA. 1961) is a North American screenwriter, producer, playwright and actor


Principe, 9
15:30 - 16:50
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

Principe, 9
18:30 - 20:15
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

El empleado y el patrón

Principe, 9
09:00 - 09:58
WIP Europa

Industry accreditation holders

918 gau
Principe, 3
11:00 - 14:14
WIP Europa

Industry accreditation holders


Professional Agenda - Wednesday 23rd

  Other activities
15:30 - 16:30
Ibero-American LGBTIQ+ Film Festivals Meeting

Ibero-American LGBTIQ+ Film Festivals Meeting – (Closed)

16:00 - 18:00
Executive Committee Meeting - Ibermedia
18:00 - 19:00
Conversations: Francisco Ramos

The session will consist of a dialogue between the producers Agustina Chiarino (Mutante Cine) and Olmo Figueredo (La claqueta PC) and Francisco Ramos, Vice-President of Spanish-Language Originals for Netflix in Latin America, about the challenges and opportunities of the independent production sector and the audiovisual industry in general. They will also talk about the capacity of stories in Spanish to travel the world.
With the collaboration of Europa Creativa Media Desk Euskadi - (Open)
Participants: Agustina Chiarino (Mutante Cine), Olmo Figueredo (La claqueta PC).
Moderator: Elena Neira (La otra pantalla).


Principe, 9
15:30 - 16:55
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

Piedra Noche
Principe, 9
18:30 - 20:20
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

La roya

Principe, 9
09:00 - 10:42
WIP Europa

Industry accreditation holders

Principe, 3
11:30 - 13:18
WIP Europa

Industry accreditation holders

Mbah Jhiwo

Professional Agenda - Thursday 24th

  Other activities
16:00 - 18:00
Advisory Council

CAACI (Conference of Ibero-American Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities) - (Closed)


16:00 - 18:00
Pitching session

Organised by IBAIA (Association of Independent Audiovisual Producers of the Basque Country) and the San Sebastian Film Festival, this forum is a space in which to present documentary projects to potential funders and experts from the audiovisual and cinema sectors. (Industry accreditation holders)


Principe, 3
11:30 - 12:37
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

Jesús López
Principe, 9
13:30 - 14:00
WIP Latam

Industry accreditation holders

Los restos fósiles

Principe, 9
09:00 - 10:31
WIP Europa

Industry accreditation holders

İki Şafak Arasında

Professional Agenda - Friday 25th

  Other activities
20:00 - 20:45
Industry Awards

IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum
IX Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum Best Project Award
DALE! Award (Development Latin America-Europe)
Eurimages Development Co-Production Award
ArteKino International Prize

WIP Latam
EGEDA Platino Industria Award for the best WIP Latam
WIP Latam Industry Award

WIP Europa
WIP Europa Industry Award
WIP Europa Award

Ikusmira Berriak
Irusoin Post-Production Award

Zinemaldia Startup Challenge award


16:00 - 18:00
Pitching session

Organised by IBAIA (Association of Independent Audiovisual Producers of the Basque Country) and the San Sebastian Film Festival, this forum is a space in which to present documentary projects to potential funders and experts from the audiovisual and cinema sectors. (Industry accreditation holders)

20:30 - 21:00
XVI Lau Haizetara Documentary Co-Production Forum

Announcement of Awards (Open)


10:00 - 11:10
Zinemaldia & Technology

Zinemaldia & Technology, the San Sebastian Festival space dedicated to technological and audiovisual innovation.
Zinemaldia Startup Challenge: Presentation of the selected projects.
Co-organized with Tecnalia, Tabakalera and Petronor, and the collaboration of Creative Europe MEDIA and Vicomtech and promoted by the Basque Government Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure. (Open)

11:15 - 12:15
Conversations: Marc Orts

The masterclass, entitled Audiovisual sound: from its origins until Full Immersive, will look at the evolution of sound technology and the process of creating a soundtrack depending on its reproduction format. (Open)


Professional Agenda - Saturday 26th

  Other activities
18:00 - 19:00
Conversations: Ted Hope

Few people know today’s cinematic landscape in the same depth as Ted Hope. Having garnered 12 Academy Awards during his career, Hope has been a witness and leading light in the main transformations experienced by the film industry in recent decades. Moderator: John Hopewell (Variety)
With the collaboration of Creative Europe MEDIA and Management of Cultural Industry, Intellectual Property and Cooperation (ICC) - (Open)


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