72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash
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Genuine, real, vivid and stimulatingOti Rodriguez Marchante, ABC

With its Fincherian pace and penchant for long takes at high-tension moments, Sorogoyen and Peña have created a scandal thriller for a realm permanently immersed in scandalVictor Esquirol, GARA

A masterfully-directed filmHarkaitz Cano, EL DIARIO VASCO

Antonio de la Torre is colossal in a huge and relevant role. His distinctive style shinesRicardo Aldarondo, EL CORREO

Sorogoyen shines once again doing what he does best (…) a disconcerting, enraged, electric and timely filmLuis Martinez, EL MUNDO

“Prompts a smile (as excited as they get) from the most loyal cinephileVictor Esquirol, GARA

Steeped with the essence of the New WaveAlex Zubiria, DEIA

An enjoyable ride, poisonous beneath its seemingly superficial veneer Gontzal Agote, BERRIA

A daring script that walks a line between fantasy and comedy Ricardo Aldarondo, EL DIARIO VASCO

Powerful, magnificent and mysteriousLuis Martinez, EL MUNDO

A cinematographic work which is proudly unidentified (…) Jaquemet is still on top form Victor Esquirol, GARA

Aroonpheng’s great achievement is to convey a sense of humanist outrage while telling an involving, sometimes headily perplexing story in a magical realist register. This rich feature threads together a set of diverse but poetically ‘rhyming’ images (…) a set of similarly glowing gems that emerge from the forest floor, and a horrific image of other human treasures hidden in the earthJonathan Romney, SCREEN DAILY

A succession of fascinating and powerful images (…) so beautiful, so hypnoticMikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

A drama that seizes and holds you (…) Carell and Chalamet both give excellent performancesOwen Gleiberman, VARIETY

A surprising journey through the pain of bereavementBegoña del Teso, EL DIARIO VASCO

Ana Brun, star of the show, comes into her own in one of the most breathtaking performances of the seasonGARA

Romanticism that goes against the grain (…) this other style of falling in love is to be savouredMikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

How breathtaking (…) What a delight to let yourself be carried away by the music, to immerse yourself in this story of love/indifference (…) What a joy to lose yourself (…) in the exquisite black and white images (…) Not one word, gesture or detail is lacking nor wasted in this subtle, restrained and admirably condensed workMikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

Deeply humane (…) and newcomer Polster proves every bit as impressivePeter Debruge, VARIETY

A docudrama in the most authentic and exciting sense of the word (…) so revelatory in its realism, so gritty in its physicality, that it becomes a drama of thrillingly hellbent danger and obsessionOwen Gleiberman, VARIETY

Astonishingly well-connected, Toulouse Lautrec, the Moulin Rouge, a young African girl and the shadow of Fantômas (…) fill the screenBegoña del Teso, EL DIARIO VASCO


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