Eurimages is the European Support Fund for the Co-production and Distribution of Creative Cinematographic and Audio-visual Works of the Council of Europe. Its core activity is to support the production of feature films and feature-length documentaries which are structured as international co-productions.
Eurimages has joined forces with co-production markets in Rotterdam (CineMart), Berlin (Berlinale Co-Production Market), Copenhagen (CPH:FORUM), Bordeaux (Cartoon Movie), Cluj (Transilvania Pitch Stop), Sarajevo (CineLink), Amsterdam (Cinekid), Rome (MIA | Cinema Co-Production Market) and Tallinn (Baltic Event) to award the Eurimages Co-production Development Award.
The award, a cash prize of EUR 20,000 (15,000 for documentaries at CPH:DOX), has been created to promote the Fund's role in encouraging international co-production from the initial stages of a project.
Considering that the Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum aims to foster the development of audiovisual projects, encourage collaboration between professionals and promote access to new international markets beyond Europe, Eurimages Board of Management decided to set up a Eurimages Co-production Development Award at this event.
Consequently, the Eurimages Co-production Development Award will be given at the 7th Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum, taking place on 23-26 September 2018 during the 66th San Sebastian Film Festival.
The Eurimages Co-production Development Award will be awarded by an international jury composed of one or more representatives of Eurimages to one of the projects selected in the 7th Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum.
The conditions regulating the Eurimages Co-production Development Award are detailed in the following Regulation:
Among the projects invited to participate in the Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum only those that meet the following criteria shall be deemed eligible for the Eurimages Co-production Development Award:
The Eurimages Co-production Development Award shall be granted by the Jury according to the following selection criteria:
A Development Support Agreement shall be concluded between Eurimages and the beneficiary of the award. Payment shall be made in two instalments:
The Eurimages Co-production Development Award shall take the form of a non-reimbursable subsidy and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of meeting the development expenses of the co-production project.
The Beneficiary of the award shall pay it back to Eurimages if it is found that it was used for purposes other than meeting the costs pertaining to the development of the project. It shall also be paid back if it is found that the Co-Production Forum and/or Eurimages were given false information or misleading data which would have excluded granting the award.
Granting the Eurimages Co-production Development Award to a project shall not entail that Eurimages shall support that project within the framework of Eurimages co-production support scheme at a later stage.