72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“An impeccable film about the limits of humanitarian aid in Africa and the role played by certain NGOs”.

Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC

“Directed with a steady hand, this film is excellently made. (…) With his balanced approach that never verges on sensationalism, Lafosse is no fan of either black or white and shows us myriad shades of grey”.

Angel Aldarondo, BERRIA

“Lafosse acts as an observer. He doesn’t force the dramatic pace to get the audience involved, especially because he doesn’t set out to define the good guys and the bad guys, or to take a certain stance”.

Ricardo Aldarondo, EL DIARIO VASCO

“The director honestly and skilfully follows the rulebook for how to make the perfect social film. It sets out to encourage reflection and, the invitation to think definitely ends up hurting”.

Luis Martínez, EL MUNDO

“From the first scene to the last, Back to the North is full of visual beauty”.

Ricardo Aldarondo, EL DIARIO VASCO

“Back to the North cleverly combines the personal and the collective, thereby turning the intimate drama into the best reflection of the ills shared by a society with too many pending issues”.

Víctor Esquirol, GARA

“Liu Hao delivers serenity and beauty, the power of suggestion and positivity”.


“The tearful climax ties things up in a highly satisfactory and commendably unsentimental manner”.


“This is very much a film about five lost people: and it’s a remarkable achievement, on the part of the director, the writers and the actors, that we care about every single one of them”.

Lee Marshall, SCREEN DAILY

“‘Son of Saul is one of the truly important films of the year”.

Mikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

“The Hungarian filmmaker composes a symphony of horror which revolves around extreme, expansive settings and a macabre, very measured choreography which constantly invites the audience to reflect”.

Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“Guillermo Francella’s unblinking stare, the atmosphere, pace and music are enough to leave the audience glued to their seats”.

Mikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

“Brilliant, brutal and startling, El Clan is particularly surprising because of what it shows: (…) we never stop wanting to believe that something like this was possible”.

Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“Shows level-headedness, good know-how and essentially wisdom; all qualities worthy of the most experienced masters”.


“For many out there, this will be the discovery of a fascinating universe”.

Urtzi Urkizu, BERRIA

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