72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash
Newsflash 2011/9/16

“Achieves a plausible depiction of the landscape by hinting at, rather than highlighting, the terrible backdrop that echoes to the sound of the names of those who are to be executed”.
E. Rodríguez Marchante, ABC

“A film that describes the undesirable state of things intelligently and lucidly”.
Carlos Boyero, EL PAÍS

“Brave, enormous in its scope, with a setting that literally consumes its characters and a rowdy, at times scurrilous sense of humour”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“A microcosmic world that turns the audience into voyeuristic entomologists, observing the fears, desires, sexuality, quarrels, memories, pain, hopes and voices that together make up this stifling, claustrophobic film; a film which has been constructed with the meticulousness of a scientist (dispassionately) analysing the creatures that have been placed under the (cold) gaze of his microscope”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“To (...) situates his explosive discourse in the plot of a brilliant script in which the villains of the piece are not the gangsters but the banks”.
Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“Superb technical execution and the remarkable dramatic abilities that Swedish actors always bring to their roles give Happy End a grown-up feeling of solidity”.

“La Voz Dormida is filled with an emotional intensity, seen for example in those splendid sequences of visits to the prison, and in Maria León possesses a remarkable performer who lights up the screen and makes the most of this peach of a role”.
Mikel G. Gurpegui, DIARIO VASCO

“A gripping and emotional examination of the lives of the thousands who suffered the reprisals of Francoist ‘justice’ ”.

“An absolute delight, not just from a musical perspective but from a political, historical and social standpoint”.
Víctor Esquirol, GARA

“The success of this film lies in its silences, only broken by the music of Anja Plaschg (...), in its dark moments, in the feelings of guilt that everyone is burdened with and in the mother’s attempts to carry on a normal, everyday life”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“Dissects its characters with great humour”.
Beñat Eizagirre Indo, BERRIA

“A cinematic achievement so gritty it would make our beloved Ken Loach want to high-five the director”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

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