73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025
Horizontes Specials
Horizontes Specials
Edgardo Cozarinsky
Argentina - France 
82 min.
A superstitious legend claims that the dead come back to Earth on the Day of the Dead to take their loved ones off with them to the great beyond for ever. Víctor, a teenage street kid, will experience this night in the midst of passionate encounters and inexplicable dangers that lie in wait for him as if it were a dark nightmare. Edgardo Cozarinsky's latest film was presented at Films in Progress last year and since then it has been shown in several international competitions.
Luis Buñuel
85 min.
El Jaibo and his gang exactly as the maestro Gabriel Figueroa photographed them. Luis Buñuel's emblematic film, that forms part of the UNESCO World Heritage programme, has had its original stunning lighting restored thanks to the patient work carried out at the UNAM Film Library.
Antonio Skármeta
Chile - Germany - Portugal 
76 min.
1983an, Antonio Skármetak berak idatzitako gidoi bat zuzendu zuen Ardiente paciencia izenburupean: askoren iritziz Michael Radfordek hamaika urte beranduago zuzendutako Il Postino (Postaria eta Pablo Neruda, 1994) baino hobea den pelikula xume eta ederra. Poeta izan nahi duen postari gazte batek bere bizilagun Pablo Nerudarengana joko du maite duen neska metaforen bidez limurtu ahal izateko. Pertsonaia bien istorioa Txileko prozesu politikoaren gorabeheren harian ehunduko da, Allende presidentetzara, eta Neruda Parisko txileko enbaxadara eramango zuten horiekin.
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