The Friedmans are a seemingly typical American family. He is a well-known schoolteacher, she is a housewife, and together they raise their three boys in Great Neck (Long Island). One Thanksgiving, the family is gathered preparing for a quiet holiday dinner when the police break into their home and start searching high and low, arresting Arnold, the father, and his 18 year-old son Jesse. Both are led from the house in handcuffs through a maze of newsmen, lights, cameras and trucks assembled in their front yard. Father and son are indicted for pederasty. The family vehemently declares its innocence, but the Friedmans become the target of the locals' rage. Capturing the Friedmans is a documentary analyzing the elusive nature of the truth seen from the angle of one of the strangest criminal cases in American history.
1997. Bartzelonako El Raval auzoan gertatutako haur-abusuen eskandaluak herrialde osoa astindu du: eskolaz kanpoko jardueretan dabiltzan zenbait monitoreri pedofilia leporatzen diete. Atxiloketak hasiko dira, politika-mundura ere luzatuko direnak. Bi urte geroago, salaketetako asko faltsuak zirela jakingo da, baina ordurako gertakari hauek auzipetutako haur eta helduen bizitzan arrasto ezabagaitza utzi dute.
Basque reality can be considered from several angles. Julio Medem's point of view is not the only option, but it does take a look at the subject, questioning itself and asking questions about the past, the present and the future of The Basque Country. Based on hours and hours of interviews with Basque citizens, archive material and a splendid soundtrack, Medem offers us a documentary that will leave no-one indifferent.
When the leading actor of a theatre company dies in a car crash, he is replaced by the handsome young revolutionary Jorge Ruiz. The latter's arrival creates tension, jealousy and mistrust in the other members of the cast, and particularly in Mario Soto, who is in charge of directing given that the author of the production is absent. The actors are already at loggerheads during the very first rehearsal of the work, Federico García Lorca's Comedia sin título. As if this wasn't bad enough, the new arrival causes even more conflict by reading at the end of the performance a manifesto in favour of peace. Mario questions the decision. The company takes sides. After the first performance, they all agree to meet in the room of Carmen, the leading actress, to watch the Goya awards ceremony.
Henri Alleg is 36 when he comes to terms with the idea of dying for a country that's not his own. He is one of the first torture victims to publicly reveal to the whole world the activities of the French Army in Algeria in La question, a book published in 1958, at the height of the war of independence. For the Algerians, Henri Alleg is above all a mythical newspaper, the Alger Républicain. For the author of this documentary, Henri and his companions are above all the proof that another Algeria was possible, an Algeria in which everyone (Arabo-Berbers, pieds-noirs and Jews) could have lived side by side.
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