72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Karin Julsrud
96 min.
Here, six months previously, a thirteen-year-old girl was raped and murdered. Now there has been another death: one of two bothers the village suspects of the girl's murder has been found drowned. The investigation is intensified, uncovering forces in the tiny community that have been kept in the dark for too long. In the process, a deep understanding develops between Nicholas Ramm , an investigator from Oslo, and Niklas, the suspect's twelve-year-old brother. The two are confronted by fundamental questions of personal courage and responsibility, in a film likely to upset anyone's preconceptions of human behaviour. 
John-Luke Montias
86 min.
Bobby G. Can't Swim is a street story told in a patently New York manner. It is the story of Bobby Grace, a low-level drug dealer living hand-to-mouth existence with his prostitute girlfriend Lucy in Hell's Kitchen. Onde day, Bobby comes across the chance to make some real money by brokering a big deal, but he bungles it and finds he has only got one hour to find the $30,000 he owes, or lose his life. 
Hannu Salonen
Germany - Finland 
101 min.
The tragicomic experiences and seemingly casual encounters of six differnet characters in today's Berlin. looking beneath the glistening surface of the new capital, we find honourable underdogs, the proud and stubborn artists of life, whose personal pilgrimages weave a dense fabric of emotions and events. Living on the periphery of the forces creating the new metropolitan capital, they are consumed with finding and implementing minimalist strategies of survival, hoping, despite being confronted with a serious and daunting task, that they do not forget how to laugh. Artsi, Sascha, Fabian, Peggy, Hans and Doris try to live with their differing views on happiness and satisfaction. Their success is not a certainty, but neither is it out of the question. 
Harry Cleven
Belgium - Luxembourg 
75 min.
Juliette has been knocked down by a car and seems to be dead. Her pale face is tilted backwards, lit by the moon. She has run away in desperation from Guido but, although she may have succeeded in escaping from him, she's afraid: maybe the nightmare she ants to stop isn't over yet. She's taken to hospital, where she meets Gaspard, the ambulance driver. Clinging to him like a lifebelt, she draws him into her strange relationship with Guido, sliding into a dramatic dimension that's way too big for them all. 
Laurent Cantet
France - UK 
100 min.
A business school student in Paris, Franck returns to his parents' home to carry out an internship at the factory where his father has been employed for the past thirty years. Franck is assigned to the Human Resources Department. Self-assured and confident, he believes he can break the stalemate reining between the management and the unions, who are having trouble negotiating a reduction of the working week. Until the day he discovers that his efforts are actually serving to accomodate a plan to restructure the company by firing a number of employees, including his father. 
Casper Verbrugge
92 min.
Somewhat of a sultry introvert, Herman lives with his girlfriend Inez in a working-class area of a big city. When the store in which he works goes bankrupt and all of the staff are sacked, hard times ensue. His friend Man in 't Woud and Inez do their best to convince Herman to return to being the punk poet he once was, under the pseudonym of Sombreman. But Herman, having long since buried the idea of being a poet, is dragged down by a depression that leads to the end of his relationship with Inez. A series of stormy events renews Herman's strength to write poetry, and gives him a fresh chance with Inez. 
Sergio Bellotti
86 min.
A liberal version of the most famour police incident in the Argentina of 1994. From one day to the next, subtreasurer Mario Fendrich decided to rob the bank in which he had been working for the last 22 years, thereby becoming a sort of popular myth, a personification of the fantasy of collective salvation. Tesoro mío has chosen this particular case on which to build an imaginary reconstruction of the week prior to the crime, linking the chain of events leading up to the hero taking the decision to rob the bank. The film therefore tells of the oppressive system of personal, family and social relations surropunding the protagonist -a restless and unfaithful wife, a Machiavellian girlfriend, corrupt and double-crossing friends- as the necessary motive behind his decision. 
Veit Helmer
101 min.
Tuvalu is a poetic fairy-tale told withour dialogue. Anton is locked by his blind father Karl into their old gran swimmingpool. To please Karl, Anton maintains the illusion that the bath is intact and constantly busy. But the only guest to come is Eva looking for Imperial, the old steam machine in the cellar. When Karl dies, the old empty pool dies with him. Antons and Eva sail away on Eva's tugboat to the island of Tuvalu. 
Agusti Vila
82 min.
After two years living together, Teresa is granted a scholarchip in London and Juan leaves the flat they share for good, deciding to forget their relationship and make the most of his afternoons to meet someone new. But he wants the meeting to happen by chance, as he finds it calculated and false to start a relationship any other way. He therefore sits on the same park bench at the same time every afternoon, after which he increases his chances by doing the same thing at the same bar table. His efforts eventually bring him into contact, almost at exactly the same time, with Alicia (on the bench) and Ana (in the bar). 
Manuel Boursinhac
106 min.
Eric is a junky and an aspiring writer. He and his group of friends smuggle drugs to get the money to pay for their daily heroin shot. After a while, their livez drift apart and Eric has no choice but to leave Paris for "The Keys of Happiness", a countryside detox centre where Kamel helps him in his struggle to quit drugs. 
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