72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024

Caín adolescente

Roman Chalbaud

Recent arrivals from the Venezuelan countryside, Juana and her only son, Juan, have come to live on a hillside among the many who form the belt of misery around Caracas, 1957. Juan manages to find a job in a workshop where one of his fellow workers is Matías. It takes little time for the latter to introduce the boy to his group of friends. With them he discovers night life and the juvenile slang at the time. Meanwhile, Juana spends most of her time shut up in their humble quarters where she is visited for time to time by an ederly woman hwo lives abandoned on a near by ranch. One night the two of them go to the amusement park, Coney Island, and there Juana meets Antonio, who approaches her attracted by her simplicity. They talk about themselves, about their solitude, but circumstances keep them apart.

Juan continues going out with his friends. One night they go to a dance hall. The other dance. Juan gets drunk and declares his love to Carmen, a girl previously romantically involved with Matías. Naively, Juan proposes marriage to her. He later learns she's pregnant with Matías' child. 

Back at home, Juana receives an unexpected visit. It is Encarnación, a black man, who, on the run form justice, seeks refuge in the woman's house. When Juan comes home he finds the black figure of Encarnación to whom his mother has surrendered herself. The relationship between mother and son reachs a critical point. At the same time the love between Juan and Carmen grows ever stronger. Carmen, disgusted by what she is carrying inside her, goes to Encarnación and screams her pleas for him to clean out her womb for Juan. 

Roman Chalbaud (Venezuela)
Running Time
130 m.
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