73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025

The Ten Years of Ikusmira Berriak cycle, jointly organised by the Festival, Tabakalera and Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola, proposes an exploration and celebration, in retrospect, of the ten years of the Ikusmira Berriak film residency. This session will feature a screening of the short film Stephanie (2020, 15'), directed by Leonardo van Dijl, and the feature film Creatura (2023, 112'), directed by Elena Martín Gimeno.


Creatura: On moving into a new home with her partner, Mila realises that her loss of desire comes from within herself. She sets out on a journey to revisit the experiences of her childhood and adolescence in the hope of coming to terms with her own body.

Stephanie: After winning her first international title, an 11-year-old gymnast experiences both new pressures and a new degree of self-awareness. The more recognition she gets, the more she realizes that the game only has begun.

Saturday, May 10th, 2025
19:00 h.
127 min.

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