72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
New Directors
New Directors
David Pérez Sañudo
102 min.
Irune, a woman who keeps to herself, lacks self confidence and has hypochondriac tendencies, works in a paper mill on the edge of an industrial town. Her life is limited to a few acquaintances: her work colleagues, a neighbour with whom she shares something of a friendship and a railway company employee she consults on the times of trains she never takes. Her fragile balance will fall to pieces when she feels a lump in her breast, coinciding with a work conflict in which she is personally involved. Suddenly her life takes an expected turn, offering her the chance, perhaps without knowing it, she had always been waiting for.
Akaki Popkhadze
France - Belgium - Austria 
108 min.
In the working-class neighborhoods of Nice, France, a pillar of the local Georgian community is murdered. His son Tristan, who aspires to become an orthodox priest, finds himself alone with his grieving mother. Gabriel, his older brother with a troubled past, reappears from a long exile to make amends by redeeming his family honor.
Belkıs Bayrak
Turkey - Kosovo 
84 min.
After Gülizar is sexually assaulted, her future husband Emre does not report the incident, but later decides to go after the attacker himself. Gülizar's wedding preparations slowly turn into a claustrophobic, silent journey as she fears that her attacker will be exposed. Her flame of silence burns not only herself, but also the love she feels for Emre.
Koya Kamura
France - South Korea 
104 min.
In Sokcho, a small seaside village in South Korea, Soo-Ha, 25, lives in a bit of a rut, rhythmed by visits to her mother, a fishmonger, and her relationship with her boyfriend, Jun-Ho. When a French man named Yan Kerrand arrives in the boarding house where Soo-Ha works, it awakens within her questions about her own identity, and that of her French father, of whom she knows almost nothing. As winter settles over the town, Soo-Ha and Kerrand will observe and gauge each other, trying to communicate.
Opening Film
Antón Álvarez
91 min.
When Antón Álvarez, C. Tangana, meets Yerai Cortés, he is fascinated by his talent and intrigued by his family history. Yerai is an unusual figure in flamenco, respected by both the more traditionalist Roma and the avant-garde artists of the new wave to which he belongs. They decide to embark on a journey together to record an album whose songs are marked by a great sadness, where the artistic process itself confronts him with his past and drives him to explore a family secret through which he tries to redeem his relationship with his parents. The result is a film that develops a unique musical experience to immerse us in a story of passion, love and forgiveness.
Cecilia Atán, Valeria Pivato
Spain - Argentina 
95 min.
Sofía, deep in secret mourning, must take her son into her home on his return from spending years in jail. For both of them this reunion will be the chance to overcome the unsurmountable distance separating them since the moment of the crime.
Sandra Romero
98 min.
Antonio has to return to Ecija, a city in the interior of Andalusia, after a long time. It is Easter. There he is reunited with his family and his twin brother Javier who has a physical disability and needs his help. Antonio will have to deal with this situation and face a difficult decision: stay and help his family or return to the life he has built outside.
© Diversion
Sivaroj Kongsakul
Thailand, Singapore 
116 min.
In a small province not far from Bangkok, Yong's life seems casual and typical of an old man, but he bears the mark of a Thai ex-veteran, as evidenced by the scar from the amputation of his right index finger. Yong spends every day dreaming of building a tree house with his own hands and raising an intelligent niece abandoned by her parents. He has a black Thai dog named Rambo. He has strange eyes that can see the secrets of the afterlife.
Yongkang Tang
106 min.
In the closed mountain village, the pupil Xingxing imagines that there would be aliens in the sky, and he tries every means to see them. The villagers all think this is ridiculous. Only the 'one-track-minded' brother Yueliang helps him fulfill his final wish.
Closing Film
Michael Tyburski
94 min.
In a community where the inconvenience of human emotion has been eradicated by a single daily vitamin, one young couple skips their dose and discovers love, joy, sex and all the baggage that comes with it.
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