73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025

Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms

With this Film Talk, the Festival, together with Euskal Aktoreen Batasuna, wants to focus on the challenges facing the acting industry today. From the replacement of actors and actresses by influencers to hiring based on the number of followers on social networks or the search for natural actors to the potential influence of artificial intelligence on the work processes.

Alizia Otxoa
EAB Secreatry General

Since June 2023 she has been Secretary General of the EAB (Euskal Aktoreen Batasuna/Union of Basque Actors and Actresses). Born in Navarre, she is an actress, has a degree in history and is the mother of a daughter. She has been a secondary school teacher and director of the two schools in which she has worked.

Eva Leira y Yolanda Serrano
Casting Directors

Eva Leira and Yolanda Serrano joined their professional lives in 2002, casting La flaqueza del bolchevique, directed by Manuel Martín Cuenca, a film for which María Valverde received the Goya for best new actress. That same year it was Carlos Saura with El séptimo día who put his trust in them.
Since then Eva and Yolanda have formed the most sought-after casting team in the Spanish film industry.
During these 18 years they have been responsible for more than 100 films, they have participated in the most important Spanish film productions, and international co-productions have given them the opportunity to work with directors such as Alejando González Iñárritu, Asghar Farhadi, Steven Soderbergh, Ken Loach, Jim Jarmusch...
They form a solid team with directors including Pedro Almodóvar, Alejandro Amenábar, Manuel Martín Cuenca, Alberto Rodríguez, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, Daniel Monzón, Fernando González Molina and Dani de la Torre. And the actors who take part in their films are regularly nominated for the Goyas, with numerous new actor awards to their name (María Valverde, Jesús Carroza, Quim Gutiérrez, Alberto Ammann, Joaquín Núñez, Nerea Barros, Dani Rovira, Carlos Santos, Belén Cuesta...).

María José Zulueta

Earned her Degree in Prehistory and Archeology at the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid. She has been working since 1989 in television production, both on shows (El Pantallazo, Magazines, Pasapalabra, Si los Muertos Hablaran) for different channels (Tele Madrid, Antena 3, TVE) and on series (Veintitantos and Los Ochenta on Tele 5)

In February 2005 she took up her place at the head of Vihana Producciones S.L., an agency dedicated to mediation with production companies and networks to manage the careers, initially of actors and actresses, and subsequently also of theatre directors. Among the actors she has represented are: Manuel Baqueiro, Críspulo Cabezas, Fran Calvo, Juan Calot, José Luis Gil, Denís Gómez, Carlos Heredia, Federico Ortiz-Cañavate, Miguel Ortiz, Mariano Peña and Miguel Uribe, Mar Abascal, Lorena Berdún, Cristina De Inza, Ana Fernández, Marina Guerola, María Isasi, Lola Marceli, Itziar Miranda, Carmen Morales, Ana Ruiz, Rebeca Valls, Amparo Vega-León and Ana Villa. She is currently the secretary of the ANAA (National Association of Art Agents).

Sara Mora García

Sara Mora Garcia holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has been legal advisor to UAM and FAAEE and is currently legal advisor to CONARTE, UARM and AAAG. She has been a speaker at the Subcommission of Culture for the elaboration of the recommendations of the Statute of the Artist and participates in the working groups for the development of these recommendations and in the collective bargaining of the sector.

01:40:00 es
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Friday, September 20th, 2024 - 18:00
01:40:00 eu
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Friday, September 20th, 2024 - 18:00
01:40:00 en
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Friday, September 20th, 2024 - 18:00

Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Telmo Irureta
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Photo: Ángela Losa
Yolanda Serrano
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Eva Leira
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms.
Photo: Ángela Losa
Behind the glamour: the actor facing of new recruitment paradigms
Photo: Ángela Losa

Friday 20th, September
18:00 h.

Public: invitations available on the Festival website, the Zinemaldi Plaza and the Tabakalera ticket office from the day before the event. Accreditation-holders: through the ticket booking system.
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