73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025

Zinemaldia Podcast

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#28 - Klasikoak: A festival of classic films extended over time and space

#28 - Klasikoak: A festival of classic films extended over time and space

Joxean Fernández, director of the Basque Film Archive and member of the San Sebastian Festival's management and selection committees, hosts this special episode of the Zinemaldia podcast dedicated to Klasikoak. Under this new brand, a kind of classical film festival was born, extended in time and space, bringing together three pre-existing programmes: the Basque Film Arcive's Spring season, the Festival classic retrospective and its Klasikoak section. Guest voices in the podcast are Valeria Camporesi, director of the Spanish Film Archive; Quim Casas and Felipe Cabrerizo, coordinators of the retrospective on poliziesco (Italian crime films); and filmmaker Montxo Armendáriz, whose film 'Tasio' (1984) has just been restored by the Basque Film Archive after 40 years after its release and will open the festival's Klasikoak section after its screening at Cannes Classics.

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