Continuing its energetic push into inter- national markets via its Spanish Screenings initiative, Spain’s film and export authorities look set to back a record presence of excess and movie-TV tit- les at Buenos Aires’ Ventana Sur, Latin America’s biggest film-TV market. Co-organized by Cannes Marché du Film, Cannes Film Festival and Ar- gentina’s INCAA film-TV agency, Ven- tana Sur runs Nov. 28–Dec.2.
Announced Sunday at a San Sebas- tian press conference, Spanish Screenings on Tour will see five projects or productions in post from Spain play at each of four key Ventana Sur forums. These take in animation platform Animation! where five titles will be presen- ted as part of a Spanish Screenings Anímate initiative, its genre market Blood Window (Spanish Screamings), women directors’ project section Punto de Género (Spanish Screenings Perspectives) and TV focus SoloSerieS (Spanish Screenings Perspectives), said Beatriz Navas, director general of Spain’s ICAA film-TV agency.
Projects or productions in each section will be selected by representative of Spanish Screenings on Tour and Ventana Sur. Winners will have covered both air flights and accommodation at Ventana Sur, vital as the cost of air travel between Europe and Latin America has spiked post-pandemic.
Spanish Screenings on Tour has also established alliances with four of Spain’s principal specialist festivals which will prize one project per section according to their focus, ho rror, fantastic and sci-fi fest Sitges, for example, awarding one title for Blood Window, which will receive the Sitges Fanpitch – Blood Window – Spanish Screenings Prize.
TV co-production forum Conecta Fiction, new talent platform Abycine Lanza and animation meet Weird will award prizes to one project at Solo- SerieS, Punto de Género and Anima- tion! respectively.
Details of the Spanish Screenings on Tour were presented at San Sebastian by Navas, San Sebastian Festival director José Luis Rebordinos, Malaga Festival director Juan Antonio Vigar, and Pablo Conde, director of fashion, habitat and cultural industries at the government investment organization ICEX. The Spanish Screenings Content will run at the Malaga Festival and its Mafiz industry arm over March 13-17, Vigar said.
Activities will take in screenings of recent Spanish movies, market pre- mieres, Next from Spain, featuring trai- lers and pix-in-post, a day dedicated to remakes, a Spanish Co-Production Forum, and sections dedicated to literary adaptations and soundtracks, Vigar added. The Festival will also re- new Hack Mafiz Malaga, a platform for new talent creating content for social networks and new platforms.
Miquel Iceta, Spain’s Minister of Culture and Sports, and Navas also used the presentation to drill down on the myriad activities of the Spanish Cine- ma Day, which takes place on Oct. 6.
John Hopewwll, Pablo Sandova.