72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“The film works superbly as a daguerreotype of a society and of a time, taken in a prison, and as a metaphor for an entire society that is struggling to break through to freedom and show its face”, Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC.


“Rodriguez pulls off the unexpected feat of making this caged drama visually impressive”, Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily.


“A story that appeals both to nostalgia and to anger and that discusses what has been given and draws attention to what has been lost”, Luis Martínez, El Mundo.

“For me, Ozon is pure Fassbinder.” Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

“Guzmán’s new documentary is recommended for any viewer with a critical spirit”, Urtzi Urkizu, Berria.


“The latest from Guzmán exudes good cinema, rooted in the struggle”, Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

“In the short film Cuerdas we also perceive a sincere critical spirit, both in the vision of its author and in the performance of many of its protagonists”, Urtzi Urkizu, Berria.

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