EGEDA is an audiovisual producers' rights management association which represents and defends in Spain the interests of audiovisual producers arising from the rights recognised and protected by the Intellectual Property Law.
Intellectual property rights are the tool enabling good advantage to be taken of the works in benefit of future cultural creation. Cinema is an art that needs an industry to create, develop and offer its results to the public. Thus, in this double aspect artistic and industrial activity, a film is made with the creative contribution of screenwriters, directors, actors and musicians… but also with the creative and economic contribution of the producers. This in turn makes them the owners of certain rights, intellectual property rights, which form part of the payment for their work and of the recovery of their economic contribution.
EGEDA, especially active and vigilant with respect to intellectual property rights, also provides services for the audiovisual producers it represents and for the audiovisual industry as a whole.
EGEDA seeks to promote Ibero-American cinema and lend its support to the audiovisual market by means of different events and activities
The 70th edition of the San Sebastian Festival will take place in the city of Donostia-San Sebastian from 16-24 September 2022. WIP Latam will take place from 19-21 September 2022.
The EGEDA Platino Industria Award for the best Wip Latam contributes to the completion of a Latin American feature film from among those selected for the WIP Latam section of the San Sebastian Festival.
The candidates for the EGEDA Platino Industria Award are the productions selected for WIP Latam.
The films screened as part of WIP Latam will be chosen by the Festival selection committee, headed by the Festival director.
The EGEDA Platino Industria Award, with 30,000 euros gross, will go to the majority producer of the winning film. The prize money will be paid by bank transfer.
The EGEDA Platino Industria Award will be decided by a jury constituted for the purpose by EGEDA.
The EGEDA Platino Industria Award cannot be declared void, nor can it be granted to more than one film.
The EGEDA Platino Industria Award will be announced at the end of the event, at the Industry Awards Announcement on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022. The winner will receive a diploma at the Festival Closing Gala.
Once the production of the winning film is complete, it must include in its opening credits the logo of the EGEDA Platino Industria Award and the mention "With the support of EGEDA and Platino Industria".
Any disagreements arising with respect to the interpretation of these terms and conditions will be settled by the San Sebastian Festival executive.
In the event of disagreements arising with respect to the interpretation of these terms and conditions, the Spanish text shall apply.