WIP Europa is organised by the San Sebastian Festival.
The San Sebastian Festival has its main offices at the following address:
TABAKALERA - International Centre for Contemporary Culture
Plaza de las Cigarreras, 1, 2ª planta
20012 Donostia – San Sebastián (Spain)
Tel.: +34 943 481212
Detailed information can be found on the official Festival Website: www.sansebastianfestival.com, which also explains how to contact the Festival and its different departments.
The public limited company, FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE DE DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁN S.A. is made up in equal parts of the San Sebastian City Council, the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport, and its chairmanship is held by the Mayor of San Sebastian. The San Sebastian Festival organisation is headed by its Director, José Luis Rebordinos.
The San Sebastian Festival is accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (F.I.A.P.F.) www.fiapf.org in the “Competitive non-specialised film festivals” category.
The San Sebastian Festival seeks to make a positive contribution to developing culture and the film industry.
The 70th San Sebastian Festival will take place from 16-24 September 2022 in San Sebastian. WIP Europa will take place from 19-21 September 2022.
The films presented in WIP Europa will be chosen by its Selection Committee headed by the Festival Director.
The WIP Europa Award carrying EUR 10,000 gross, will be handed over as a bank transfer to the majority producer of the same WIP Europa Industry Award winning film.
The WIP Europa Award seeks to make a positive contribution to the cultural diversity and the development of the European film industry.
The WIP Europa Award cannot be declared void or be conferred on more than one film.
The WIP Europa Award winner will be announced on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022.
Once production of the winning film has been completed, it must include the WIP Europa Award logo in its credits. The logo is available in several languages on the official Festival website.
All doubts arising from the interpretation of these rules and regulations will be solved by the management of the San Sebastian Festival.
In the event of discrepancy in the interpretation of these rules and regulations, the Spanish version will apply.