72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
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“Its genius, power and grimly comic atmosphere lie precisely in its savage critique of neoliberalism’s ethically dubious machinations, its bondage and its hierarchies, raising a torrent of laughter thanks to sublime dialogue and jokes that would be the envy of Groucho Marx.” Alfonso Rivera, Cineuropa.


“León de Aranoa presents us with a select work – dynamic, cultivated in terms of content and extremely humorous – in a carnivalesque acting choreography, a masquerade.” Mikel Zumeta, Berria.

“A very interesting debut.” Mikel Zumeta, Berria.


“An unpredictable, intelligent and ambitious film... one of the most satisfying ensembles in this cinephile event.” Víctor Esquirol, Gara.

“[Claire Simon’s] brand of transgression and bravery is more compelling than ever, as Simon’s imagery evokes thoughts and feelings as honest as they are unsettling.” Cristóbal Soage, Cineuropa.

“Hilarious in its portrayal of characters, both familiar and eccentric, and very emotional in the humour and drama it exudes, also somewhat reminiscent of Fellini’s Amarcord.” Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC.

“A sure-handed and stylish fiction debut.” Marko Stojiljković, Cineuropa.

“Kranz achieves something truly spectacular.” Uxue Arzelus, Berria.

“Ruizpalacios presents a very interesting experiment: a documentary that intertwines reality and fiction.” Uxue Arzelus, Berria.

“Bronze, water and cinema.” Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

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