72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“We find Simon’s violence disturbing; we may feel the need to flee or perhaps it seduces us, because love is death, at least according to Duras.” Mikel Zumeta, Berria.


“Daring and merciless.” Luis Martínez, El Mundo.


“For those looking for a film where words have meaning, where thinking is cultivated and there is no fear of descending into interior abysses where almost no one goes, this film offers extraordinary enjoyment.” Juan Zapater, Noticias de Gipuzkoa.

“It is comforting to see a film achieve all the goals it has set itself, and this is the case of the film presented by Claudia Llosa.” Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC.


“Rather than just a story, the director constructs a sensation, a fear.” Luis Martínez, El Mundo.

“Irreproachable and devastating debut by the Romanian Alina Grigore.” Luis Martínez, El Mundo.

“By simply listening, by imagining herself in another’s shoes (no matter how barbarous) Madrid-born Bollaín has pulled off a deeply moving plea to let the unspeakable speak.” Alfonso Rivera, Cineuropa.

“Nobody could turn up their nose at a film brimming with sparky dialogue, where every scene holds a latent threat of explosive violence.” Cristóbal Soage, Cineuropa.

“A sublime X-ray of different surfaces, carried out in the simplest way and with all its duplicities.” Mikel Zumeta, Berria.

“A film full of hope.” Uxue Arzelus, Berria.

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