72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“A small film (...), although only apparently, since the story that lies behind its ins and outs is grand, accessible and, to a certain extent, epic.” Mikel Zumeta, Berria.


“Cinema within cinema in a story that exudes love for films.” Astrid Meseguer, La Vanguardia.

“A piece so calculated in what it reveals and suggests, and so brilliant in its way of exposing and interpreting this (…), that it preserves all its malicious intrigue in ingenious plot twists and admirable changes in the direction of the acting.” Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC.  


“Shoots in all directions at any creatures, living or not, in the cinematographic, acting and directional multiverse.” Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

“The spotlights, the premieres, the films and the songs all constitute an important part of their lives, but what is most interesting arises from the story that emerges after abandoning all of that. And, in this sense, Gainsbourg does an excellent job.” Uxue Arzelus, Berria.

“Some will think it is a ‘period’ film. And yet it has the rhythm, the fury and the intensity of the best cinema being made in this III Millennium.” Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco.

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