72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
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Professional Agenda - Saturday 18th

  Other activities
Kursaal - Press Club
12:00 - 13:00
MIA presents 2021 MIA REPORT and 21/22 MIANIMA mentoring

MIA Board: Myriam Ballesteros (President) and Paloma Mora Iñesta (Vice-president)
PhD researchers: Sara Álvarez, Susana García and Maitane Junguitu

MIA, Mujeres en la Industria de la Animación, (Women in the Animation Industry) will explain the conclusions of 2021 MIA Report, related to the representativeness of women in Spanish animation productions in 2020.
​The 21/22 MIANIMA mentoring program will be presented. This program is targeted to foster animation projects led by women in Spain and Latin America.

(Invitations available by writing to info@animacionesmia.com  + Industry and press accreditation holders)


  Thought and discussion
Kursaal - Press Club
17:00 - 18:30
Series Conference: Identities and diversity. Stories changing structures.

With the collaboration of Europa Creativa MEDIA Desk Euskadi (Accreditation holders, priority Industry).

Moderates: Valeria Vegas, journalist, writer and author of the biography of La Veneno

Bob Pop, creator and scriptwriter of Maricón Perdido
Diego del Pozo, head of fiction content at Atresmedia
Adrián Silvestre, film director (Sedimentos)
Claudia Costafreda, scripwriter of Veneno


Professional Agenda - Sunday 19th

  Other activities
Tabakalera - 2deo
18:00 - 19:30
2deo serieak: The Originals

Let’s talk to audiovisual platform professionals about their own production.

Jaume Ripoll, co-founder and editorial director of Filmin
Susana Herreras, Head of Original Series Development at Movistar+
Miguel Salvat, VP Commissioning Editor Original Programming HBO España
María José Rodriguez, Head of Original Productions at Amazon Studios

This round table is part of the 2deo Serieak program promoted by Tabakalera and the San Sebastián Film Festival to support the creation of the series.
(Invitations available in tabakalera.eus or Industry and press accreditation holders)

More information


Professional Agenda - Monday 20th

Kursaal - Press Club
12:00 - 14:00
Cinema and funding. A good mix to meet again.

Presentation of the finance initiative for projetcs by Triodos Bank and Crea SGR (with accreditation).

San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
12:30 - 13:00
Focus on Georgia

Presentation of the incentive programme of the Georgian National Film Center by David Vashadze, Georgian Film Commissioner (Industry accreditation holders).

Kursaal - Room 9
16:00 - 19:00
Executive Committee Meeting - Ibermedia

Closed meeting.

Kursaal - Press Club
18:30 - 19:30
Presentation: Preservación 35

Presentation of the Preservación 35 platform, whose objective is the long-term preservation of digital and cinematographic supports.

Organised by Preservación 35 (Accreditation holders).


  Thought and discussion
San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
10:30 - 12:00
Round table: Adapt and Thrive

How the ideas developed during the Covid-19 crisis can drive a new era for film publishing and distribution

Fostered by Europa Distribution (Industry accreditation holders).

Moderates: Michael Gubbins (Sampomedia)

Esther Kollman (Cinéart)
Alzbeta Dlouha (Aerofilms)
Christina Pelekani (Feelgood Ent.)
Emelie Samuelsson (Triart Film)
​Nille Stormoen (Arthaus)

San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
16:30 - 18:30
European Film Forum

The transformation of the European audiovisual ecosystem: towards a more sustainable and digital industry

Moderates: Elena Neira

Co-organised with Creative Europe MEDIA (Accreditation holders, priority Industry)


Kursaal - The Industry Club
10:00 - 20:00
10 Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects (Industry accreditation holders).


Principe, 9
15:30 - 17:05
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

La piel pulpo
Principe, 9
18:30 - 19:51
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)


Principe, 9
09:30 - 11:20
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Principe, 3
12:00 - 14:00
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Zamanımızın bir kahramanı

Kursaal - The Industry Club
10:00 - 14:00
VII. Ikusmira Berriak

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects (Industry accreditation holders).


Professional Agenda - Tuesday 21st

  Other activities
Tabakalera-Room K
10:00 - 18:00
Meeting Ibermedia, CAACI and FIPCA

Private meeting between CAACI (Conference of Ibero-American Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities) and FIPCA (Ibero-American Federation of Cinematographic and Audiovisual Producers).

Keler Room
10:30 - 11:30
Presentation of Plataforma Audiovisual de Productores Independientes (PAP)

The Plataforma Audiovisual de Productores (PAP) is organising a press conference to explain the proposal agreed upon in relation to the Draft Bill of the General Audiovisual Communication Law (Industry and press accreditation holders).

Maria Luisa Gutiérrez (AECINE)
Nico Matji (DIBOOS)
Carlos Juárez (MAPA)
Antonio Mansilla (PIAF)
Jordi B. Oliva (PROA)
Adrián Guerra (PROFILM)

Kursaal - Press Club
12:00 - 13:00
Presentation Cine Québec España

Cine Québec en España is a project that aims to promote the presence of Québec cinema in Spain as a solvent industry brand.

Organised by Cine Québec en España (Accreditation holders).

Tabakalera - Kutxa Kultur Plaza
15:30 - 17:00
Meeting of Ibero-American LGTBIQA+ Festivals


Tabakalera - Salas Kutxa 11 y 12
16:00 - 18:00
Pantalla Assembly

Federación Estatal de Coordinadoras de Festivales de Cine y Contenidos Audiovisuales (State Federation of Coordinators of Film and Audiovisual Content Festivals) (Closed meeting)

Kursaal - Room 9
17:00 - 18:30
Case study

Creating together: Co-development and successful co-production cases between Spain and the Baltic States.

Co-organised by the Creative Europe MEDIA desks in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia together with the Euskadi, Andalusia, Catalunya and Spain desks (Industry accreditation holders).

San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
17:30 - 19:00
Round table: European Cinema, a co-production opportunity from Spain

Fostered by ProFicció and PROA (Industry accreditation holders).

Tabakalera - Kutxa Kultur Plaza
17:30 - 19:00
Iberoamerican LGBTIQ+ Film Festivals' Works in Progress and LABS presentation

(Industry accreditation holders).

Tabakalera - Terrace
20:00 - 22:00
The Canary Islands in Focus

One more year, the Canary Islands organizes a meeting with agents of the film industry, to publicize regional and island subsidies, minority co-production funds that will soon be launched, Canarian talent, as well as an update on the latest modifications made about tax incentives.

To attend, write to hello@canaryislandsfilm.com


  Thought and discussion
San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
11:00 - 12:30
Round table: The challenges facing LGBTIQ+ cinema in Latin America

In collaboration with Sebastiane Award - Gehitu and Mugen Gainetik (Industry accreditation holders)

Moderates: Rolando Salazar, Director of Lima Gay, Lesbian and Trans Film Festival (Peru)

Patra Spanou (sales agent, Germany)
Hebe Tabachnick (producer, Argentina)
Clarisa Navas (filmmaker, Argentina)
Gabriela Sandoval (AMOR LGBTIQ+ Film Festival director, Chile)

Kursaal - Press Club
17:00 - 18:00
Round table: Teaching and the audiovisual. Teaching at the audiovisual field

Moderator: Fernando R. Lafuente, critic and cultural manager 

Luis Domingo González Nuñez, Regional Ministry of Education of Castilla y León
Cristina Gonzalez Gil, CINESA
Mercedes Agüero Pérez, THE CORE Entertainment Science School
Octavio Dapena Crespo, EGEDA

Organised by Egeda (Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales) (Industry accreditation holders).


Kursaal - The Industry Club
10:00 - 20:00
10 Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects (Industry accreditation holders).


Principe, 9
15:30 - 17:00
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

La hija de todas las rabias
Principe, 9
18:30 - 20:00
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Un varón

Principe, 9
09:30 - 11:27
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Ya, Nina
Principe, 3
12:00 - 14:05
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Didi Shesveneba

Kursaal - The Industry Club
10:00 - 14:00
VII. Ikusmira Berriak

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects (Industry accreditation holders).


Professional Agenda - Wednesday 22nd

  Other activities
09:30 - 13:30
Artificial intelligence keys to digital transformation
Kursaal - Press Club
12:00 - 13:00
Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe

Plan to boost the audiovisual sector presentation. Fostered by the Spanish Ministries of Culture, Telecommunications and Economy (Industry and press accreditation holders).

Kursaal - Press Club
18:00 - 18:50
New promotional strategies and actions for Spanish short films
Kursaal - Press Conference Room
20:30 - 21:15
Industry Awards

(closed event)

Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum
Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum Best Project Award
DALE! Award (Development Latin America-Europe)
ArteKino International Prize

WIP Latam
EGEDA Platino Industria Award for the best WIP Latam
WIP Latam Industry Award

WIP Europa
WIP Europa Industry Award
WIP Europa Award

Ikusmira Berriak
Irusoin Post-Production Award

San Sebastian Lau Haizetara Documentary Co-production Forum Awards


San Telmo Museum - Function Hall
09:30 - 14:00
Pitching session

Forum to present documentary projects to potential funders and experts from the audiovisual and cinema sectors. 

Organised by IBAIA (Association of Independent Audiovisual Producers of the Basque Country) and the San Sebastian Film Festival (Closed).

Kursaal - Room 9
16:00 - 20:00
One-to-one meetings

One-to-one meetings between the selected projects and the commissioning editors (Closed).


10:00 - 18:00
10 Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects. Session reserved for online meetings (Industry accreditation holders).


Principe, 9
14:30 - 15:57
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Dos estaciones
Principe, 9
17:30 - 18:50
WIP Latam

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Vicenta B.

Principe, 9
09:30 - 11:07
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Principe, 3
12:00 - 13:20
WIP Europa

(Industry accreditation holders / Booking required)

Misión a Marte

10:00 - 18:00
VII. Ikusmira Berriak

One-to-one meetings with the selected projects. Session reserved for online meetings (Industry accreditation holders).


Professional Agenda - Thursday 23rd

  Other activities
Keler Room
SPACE FOR REFLECTION. Synergies between festivals and film clubs: past, present and future.

Moderator: Javier Tolentino
Speakers: Sara Hernandez, Joan Sala and Ander Gisasola

Organised by the promoters of the K Awards. The round table will focus on the collaborations between festivals, film clubs and other agents in the film industry and will discuss their future.

(Book your place at k_sariak@kresalazinekluba.com +for accreditation holders)

Kursaal - Press Club
16:30 - 17:30
Round table: Gender and diversity as public policy in Ibero-America

Jaime Tenorio Tascón (Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia; Conferencia de Autoridades Audiovisuales y Cinematográficas de Iberoamérica - CAACI)
Beatriz Navas (Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales de España - ICAA)
Cristina Andreu Cuevas (Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de medios audiovisuales - CIMA)


Tabakalera - Room Z
11:00 - 12:15
Zinemaldia Startup Challenge

Presentation of the projects selected in the Zinemaldia Startup Challenge (Accreditation holders, priority Industry).

Tabakalera - Room Z
12:30 - 13:45
Zinemaldia & Technology

Round table. Virtual Production: a journey to the future of cinema

Moderates: AC Coppens. Fostered by ALÍA (Alianza Industrial Audiovisual) (Accreditation holders, priority Industry).

Official Sponsor:
Media Partner:
Official Collaborators:
Associated Institutions: