72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

‘A road movie in which the tarmac, the muddy earth and the most opulently untouched virgin lands constitute the strange road driven by a vehicle loaded with stories’. Víctor Esquirol, Gara


‘Takes seemingly distant characters and makes them loved and understood’. Ricardo Aldarondo, El Diario Vasco

Beginning is the most provocatively original film, with a voice of its own, to come to the San Sebastián Festival this year’. Luis Martínez, El Mundo


‘Using intricate and composed content, the film presents us with a complex polyhedron’. Mikel Zumeta, Berria


‘Kulumbegashlivi steadfastly walks the fine line separating realist depiction from religious parable and manages to maintain a sense of tension and threat in even the most apparently calm scenes’. Nando Salvà, El Periódico

In the dusk is Sharunas Bartas’ best in years, a stark, sombre Lithuanian war story’. Jonathan Romney, Screen Daily

‘The conventional and effective mise en scène of this convincing and moving drama takes place amid beautiful landscapes and cosy interiors. It becomes more intense and subtle through the sensibilities of both characters (a writer and a pianist) and the impeccable actors’. Ricardo Aldarondo, El Diario Vasco

‘The power and density of the film force the viewer to keep their eyes and ears wide open. Stupefies and fascinates to the core’. Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco

Chupacabra is a free, raw film, and a bitter and brilliant fable’. Begoña del Teso, El Diario Vasco

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