73SSIFF - 19/27 September 2025

Zinemaldia Podcast

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#03 - Francisco Ramos

#03 - Francisco Ramos

The Mexican producer Francisco Ramos, Vice-President of Spanish-Language Originals for Netflix in Latin America, talked with the producers Agustina Chiarino (Mutante Cine) and Olmo Figueredo (La Claqueta PC) about the challenges and opportunities for the independent producers and the audiovisual industry. Until joining Netflix in 2017, Ramos had developed his career in Spain where, after working for the distributor Aurum Producciones, he started as an independent producer. From 2009 to 2017 he produced for Grupo Zeta's audiovisual branch and over the course of his career he has produced more than 50 films and television shows. The talk took place during the 68th edition of the San Sebastian Festival (2020) with the collaboration ofEuropa Creativa MEDIA Desk Euskadi.

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