72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“Unique in that it is very well-drawn and well-narrated”.

Oti Rodríguez Marchante, ABC

“A film of very high technical and artistic quality, it’s also fun for adults - particularly those who are young at heart.”

Angel Aldarondo, BERRIA

“His films are increasingly complex, his characters are better configured and his images display greater levels of emotion, poetry and a sense of adventure. It’s magical”.

Beatriz Martínez, EL PERIODICO

“An outstanding, 24-carat anime film which shows enormous skill. (…) A magnificent film”.


“Excellent production and design, fascinating performances, shades of Kubrick and dialogues full of British parsimony.”

Angel Aldarondo, BERRIA

“High Rise is a crazy and fascinating futuristic story”.

Mitxel Ezquiaga, EL DIARIO VASCO

“Psychedelia, surrealism and madness come together in a blend that is psychotic, hypnotic, subversive, grotesque and morbid. A veritable descriptive feast which celebrates alienation and ecstasy on screen”.

Beatriz Martínez, EL PERIODICO

“Works better the madder it gets, when the purely cinematographic resources allow the narrative to run amok”.

Víctor Esquirol, GARA

“It shows us the strangest side of daily life, which can sometimes be absurd and subject to mockery, splashed with humorous, dreamlike sequences.”

Angel Aldarondo, BERRIA

“Veiroj pulls his cinema almost out of nowhere - or rather with what he has around him - and he does this with humour and wit”.

Ricardo Aldarondo, EL DIARIO VASCO

“A little film that takes on very big issues”.

Beatriz Martínez, EL PERIODICO

“An eccentric and fun portrayal of the spiritual limbo of our time”.

Víctor Esquirol, GARA

“It’s a simple story but one which is truly profound as it invites us to reflect on human existence.”

Beñat Eizagirre Indo, BERRIA

“It’s a pleasure to see a film that amusingly debunks whatever is chic or a la mode in favour of the underdogs. The New Kid really should be required viewing for all Parisians ages 13 and under”.


“An impressive and harrowing cross between a documentary film and poetry. Captivating in how it conveys the purity of a look that never gives in to horror; absolutely essential for everything else”.


“It’s an interesting reflection on morality and fate.”

Beñat Eizagirre Indo, BERRIA

“Allen throws moral dilemmas, the meaning of life, chance and more than a few philosophical references into his cocktail shaker”.

Mikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

“Allen has created a film that is well-synchronised, entertaining and fun”.

Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“Shines light on the ability of cinema, and life, for surviving any dictatorship”.

Mikel G. Gurpegui, EL DIARIO VASCO

“Taxi Téhéran is a very interesting piece of cinema which, lurking beneath its apparently pleasant facade, has an emotive human story disguised as docu-fiction”.

Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“The idea of memory as a place for healing wounds or the present as a necessity flashes before our eyes through the written word, music and images that are part of the history of art. Brilliant”.

Iratxe Fresneda, GARA

“Izagirre’s film is small, intimate and delicate. It explores the lack of communication between couples; giving the audience food for thought (…) this debut isn’t left to drown in neglect.”

Urtzi Urkizu, BERRIA

“Sanctuaire is one of the best films, if not the best ever made about this issue.”

Urtzi Urkizu, BERRIA

“The question of how far a person is willing to go for a multi-million dollar (or Euro) payout comprises the most interesting part of the script by Querejeta and Antonio Mercero”.

Alissa Simon, VARIETY

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