72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
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The second edition of SAVAGE CINEMA wraps up with success
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

The Greasy Hands Preachers - Savage Cinema
4m. 14s.
On Any Sunday - Savage Cinema
4m. 1s.
Higher - Savage Cinema
1m. 36s.
Days Of My Youth - Savage Cinema
3m. 59s.
Valley Uprising - Savage Cinema
3m. 1s.
Danger Dave - Savage Cinema
2m. 52s.
Press conference ''Savage Cinema''
Bruce Brown (Director On any Sunday) Dana Brown (Director On any Sunday-The Next Chapter) Robbie Maddison (Protagonist On any Sunday-The Next Chapter) Arthur the Kersauson (Director The Greasy Hands Preachers) Clement Beauvais (Director The Greasy Hands Preachers) Roland Sands (Protagonist On any Sunday-The Next chapter, The Greasy Hands Preachers) Peter Mortimer (Director Valley Uprising) Steve Jones (Director Higher) Todd Jones (Director Higher) Sancho Rodriguez (Coordinator Savage Cinema) Philipp Mandela (Head of Red Bull Media House feature films)
25th / September / 2014 | 12:30 34m. 49s.

Photo: SSIFF
Mar Gasso Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Photo: Montse Castillo
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Photo: SSIFF
Photo: Iñaki Pardo
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Marc Gasso Photo: SSIFF
Marc Gasso Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Roke Photo: SSIFF
Photo: Iñaki Pardo
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