72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

"The pick makes a pleasurable surplus from minimal resources and plenty of ironic-comic-violent storytelling energy".
Robert Koehler, VARIETY

“The film dazzles its audience by constructing, without deception, a form of beauty which, in its self-assurance and unusualness, becomes almost subversive”.
Alberto Moyano, DIARIO VASCO

“(Valero) didn't have a script written on paper but what he did have were fistfuls of shots and reverse angle shots; sound and interesting camera movements and the capacity to make shrewd editing decisions".
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“Courtois' film flows cleanly and takes its time, weaving its own winding paths and ellipses. It fills us with information, reflections, doubts”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“Smooth, well-grounded, laden with looks, memories, solitude, hope and hopelessness, Shell occupies a place far away from the sea but close to the human soul and its mysteries".
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“The film begins almost in the style of a Hitchcock thriller before later unsettling us with the moral conflict faced by someone who is forced to take sides”.
O.L. Belategui, EL CORREO

“An impressively lifelike, profound political and historical film which bears worrying similarities with the present day”.
Anton Merikaetxebarria, EL CORREO

“A serious, interesting, solid, well-conceived, well-arranged piece, which places its central character in an extreme situation and is skilful enough to follow him at an excellent pace”.
Mikel G. Gurpegui, DIARIO VASCO

“The Attack is a beautiful film which provides us with much food for thought and debate”.
Harkaitz Cano, DIARIO VASCO

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