72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash

“Argo is a magnificent example of magnificent cinema. It invites its audience to bear witness to almost all the qualities that this art offers to an author and captivates the viewer right from the beginning”.
Oti R. Marchante, ABC

“He has created a film that is solid and full of force. Argo is a political thriller which indirectly relays events in Teheran (…) making slick use of tension and rhythm”.
G. Agote, BERRIA

“The film (…) is a successful nod to the filmmaking style of the likes of Pakula, Scorsese and Paul Schraeder”.
Luis Martínez, EL MUNDO

“The film explains the situation for the benefit of those who don't know with perfect rhythm and tension. This is pure entertainment”.
Carlos Pumares, LA RAZÓN

“An intelligent and, in many parts, happy film that makes us laugh and shudder in equal measures”.

“Berger brings the classic silent film mould to his story, which is a grotesque version of the tale of Snow White, resembling something that Buñuel may have dreamt up after drinking his fill of dry martinis”.
Oti R. Marchante, ABC

“Snow White could so easily have been a sparkling and personal, to the point of self-indulgence, accumulation of visual effects (…) However, Berger manages to bring all of these elements together to tell a soulful tale. Beneath the aestheticism there are tears and smiles, emotion and beauty, the grotesque and the sublime”.
Mikel G. Gurpegui, DIARIO VASCO

“A dazzling, macabre tale which shatters the stereotypes of flamenco-loving Spain and draws in equal measures from expressionist cinema, the photography of Cristina García Rodero and the paintings of Zuloaga and Romero de Torres”.

“A beautiful, painful and profound journey through silent cinema”.
Luis Martínez, EL MUNDO

“Pure choreography: there is music, singing and movement. A plane, whose flight can only be described as wild and erratic, collects a wealth of references on its journey, before continuing along the path that has been reopened by Canadian director Guy Maddin”.

“This is the story of a group of women who have been victims of many different forms of violence and repression (...) Each one of them, by recounting their personal experiences, invites us to share in a highly enriching discussion”.

“It is packed with hilarious situations, without hiding or avoiding the repression, barbarism and injustices suffered by the opponents to Pinochet's regime”.
Inés P. Chavarri, EL PAÍS

“A historical fresco that is sleek, believable, emotive and, above all else, unflinching in conveying the complex social and political backdrop in Chile during that period”.
Koldo Landaluze, GARA

“A cracking film that is innovative to the core, visionary in ultra tones of rampant colour and strange and savage all at the same time. It would certainly have appealed to Apichatpong and Sokurov”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

“A lethal thriller and cloudy documentary which claws at our (fragile) theories about Blame and Deception”.
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

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