72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Home Industry Newsflash
Newsflash 2011/9/16

‘‘Having seen the film Americano, we can assert that the next generation has taken up the baton.’
Koldo Landaluze, GARA

‘‘Suitable for all ages and universal, despite appearances to the contrary. A beautiful piece of work that enriches Basque cinema and the imagination.’
Xabier Mendiguren Elizegi, DEIA

‘A relentless plot shot in black and white, memorably supported by excellent acting, this austere film is about real people, a fistful of human truth, appalling pessimism and an unobtrusive camera that captures the troubles of the desperate characters.’
Antón Merikaetxebarria, EL CORREO

‘Ripstein hands us the (poisoned) gift of a Ripstein film in the most pure Ripstein style. The text exudes pure passion, pure excess, pure darkness.’
Mikel G. Gurpegui, DIARIO VASCO

‘Ripstein describes raw failure with a talent that had seemed rusty.’
Carlos Boyero, EL PAÍS

‘Ripstein is out to recover paradise lost right from the beginning, with the dramatic curves, the sensual arabesque of the female thigh lying on the bed.’

‘‘A moving and amusing combination of primitive charm and modern filmmaking.’
Koldo Landaluze, GARA

‘‘Enjoyable if you give it a chance and don't miss the dialogue.'
Beñat Eizagirre Indo, BERRIA

‘‘The best thing about this adaptation (…) is not how skilful it is, how lively and spectacular it is, how playful it is, and how brilliantly edited, paced and choreographed (…). It is all that, and so much more.’
Begoña del Teso, DIARIO VASCO

‘It is a well-crafted bit of mainstream entertainment that doesn’t disappoint in terms of good old-fashioned swashbuckling fun.’

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