Born in Madrid in 1953, he is manager of the Spanish Film Library Doré Cinema and a film critic and historian. He reviewed books on cinema in the Culturas supplement in Diario 16 from 1992 until the newspaper closed down and worked on publications such as Viridiana, Cuadernos de la Academia, Cinemanía and Dirigido por, and is a member of the editorial board of the magazines, Nosferatu and Cahiers du Cinéma, España. As well as forming part of the Advisory Committee for the forthcoming SGAE Dictionary of Cinema, he is collaborating on the preparation of the Dictionary of Spanish Cinema by the Film Academy.
He has helped to write several books and collective works: La mirada oblicua: El cine de Robert Aldrich (1996), Richard Fleischer. Entre el cielo y el infierno (1997); La mitad del cielo. Directoras españolas de los años noventa (1998); El cine fantástico y de terror de la Universal (1999), Emociones de contrabando. El cine de Aki Kaurismäki (1999) La imprenta dinámica. La literatura española en el cine español (2002), Enrique Urbizu. La imagen esencial (with Jesús Angulo and Carlos F. Heredero, 2003), El camino del cine europeo I & II (2004 y 2006), Breve historia del cortometraje vasco (with Jesús Angulo and José Luis Rebordinos, 2006), Arrebato... 25 años después (2006), Shinya Tsukamoto, poeta y guerrillero del cinematógrafo (2007), Calle Mayor... 50 años después (2007). He has written the following books: Eric Rohmer (1991), El cine negro. Maduración y crisis de la escritura clásica (1996) and Semillas de futuro. Cine español 1990-2001 (2002), all three in collaboration with Carlos F. Heredero, and Paris, Texas, de Wim Wenders, with José Antonio Hurtado (at the printing stage). He has supervised the editing of the Diarios de Yasujiro Ozu (with Núria Pujol), has coordinated the book Filmoteca Española. Cincuenta años de historia (1953-2003) and has written El cine negro en cien películas (1998) and Laura, de Otto Preminger (2001) on his own.
He has given courses at several institutions and universities (Chair of Cinema and Aesthetics at the University of Valladolid, universities of Murcia, Girona, Jaume I in Castellón, Salamanca, Carlos III, Andalusia, Valencian Autonomous Government Film Library, Donostia Kultura, Festivals of Navarre) and with Carlos F. Heredero he has co-run the course, La imprenta dinámica: literatura y cine español en el cambio de siglo at the Menéndez y Pelayo University in Santander (2005). He has been a member of the jury at the Alcalá de Henares Festival, the International Week of Fantasy and Horror Films in San Sebastian, Nantes and Sitges (New Visions).