The year is 1914. the soldier Miguel ángel, suposedly involved in the killing of fourteen federal guards, escapes the whip of Captain Medina. During a redezvous with his friends Tiburcio, Melitón, Martín and the Perea brothers, a decision is made to join Pancho Villa. They find Villa in a train distributing corn to the poor people.
Following the coup d'etat toppled the government of President Madero, senator Belsario Domínguez denounces the corruption of the mutineers. This cost him his life.
This is the story of a teenager, David, who returns to Mexico from Paris where he studied painting. He finds his place of birth, Chihuahua, inmersed in the social conflict that preceeded the Mexican Revolution.
The troops of a Zapatista general Juan José Reyes, take the city of cholula. There Reyes falls in love with the young Beatriz Peñafiel, but the feeling is not mutual. Just as she is about to marry another man, Beatriz drops everything to follow Juan José.
The time has come for Esperanza to tell her son about the fate of his father. Born José Luis, the son of a landlord, he joined the revolution, but died after surrendering to a group of bandits in order to save his family.
The year is 1915 the revolutionary general Alvarado arrives on the Yucatán peninsula in order to confront a separatist army sponsored by the local oligarchy which hopes to gain independence from the Federation in order to pursue their own interests... Alvarado defeats his opposition and takes power in the Yucatán.
Demetio Macías, a peasnt, leads a group of revolutionaries that eventually joins the well-known Northern Division. After living through a series of dramatic adventures, Macías and his men are massacred by their enemies.
North American journalist John Reed crosses the Mexican border in order to write a series of reports about the revolution. He meets with various officers in the military, but also begins a friendship with a revolutionary. At the same time, the events he witnesses make Reed concious of the need to take sides in this historical drama.
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