72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Alekxandr Dovzhenko
93 min.
A soldier returns to Kiev after surviving a train crash and encounters clashes between nationalists and collectivists.
Santiago Álvarez
34 min. Short film
Santiago Álvarez
22 min. Short film
"Cyclone" arises from the need to represent the passage of Hurricane Flora through the island of Cuba. His images, taken largely from the ICAIC archive, show the unsuspecting arrival of the natural phenomenon.
Walter Heynowski, Gerhard Scheumann
German Democratic Republic 
99 min.
Interviews with leaders of the Chilean right-wing opposition to the Popular Unit of Salvador Allende before and after the coup that established the military dictatorship.
Manuel Pérez Paredes
124 min.
There are still counterrevolutionary bands that try to maintain a focus of terror on the population and restore contact with the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. One morning is the body of the administrator, Alberto Delgado, in the Maisinicú estate. Research reveals an intense and violent atmosphere, and a contradictory personality. Alberto Delgado's itinerary in recent months you can know the information of this Cuban counterintelligence services agent among the bandits operating in the area.
Tod Browning
64 min.
In a circus full of deformed beings, cripples and people with various amputations, Hans, one of the dwarves, inherits a fortune. From that moment, Cleopatra, a beautiful trapeze artist, will try to seduce you to get your money. To achieve its goal, draw a plan with the complicity of Hercules, the strongman of the circus.
Nagisa Ôshima
123 min.
Upon receiving a shocking telegram from his cousin, a man recounts his early life, as a member of a broad family full of dark secrets that slowly reveal themselves through the clan ceremonies.
Santiago Álvarez
19 min. Short film
Cuban agit-prop filmmaker Santiago Álvarez produced this radical newsreel within forty-eight hours of Che Guevara's death by special request of Fidel Castro himself. Fellow filmmaker and Alvarez admirer Travis Wilkerson accordingly calls it "a pure distillation of the highly unusual conditions of production" that spurred Alvarez's "urgent cinema." Incorporating Guevara's own speeches and documentary scraps from the Bolivian campaign, Álvarez's resourcefulness is ever astonishing.
Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
87 min.
Liliana Cavani
95 min.
Milan has become a deserted and spectral city; the streets and squares are sown with corpses. The military, equipped for war, are present everywhere, and people walk unperturbed without repairing lifeless bodies. The authorities have ordered that the bodies of dissidents and rebels be exposed in the streets to serve as an example and that another rebellion will not occur again. Antigone is a young woman from the bourgeois family who has lost her brother during the riots. And it revolts, indignantly, against the prohibition of burying the dead. However, nobody wants to help her, nor her relatives, nor her boyfriend Hemón, son of one of the most influential politicians in the country: they all abide by the orders emanating from power. But Antigone meets Tiresias, a young foreigner who speaks a language she doesn't understand, but is willing to help her.
Marco Ferreri
113 min.
A young couple discusses whether or not they should have a child in a few days in which a great plague plagues the Earth and causes the population to descend more and more. At the same time, they should also look for a safe place to take refuge from disasters that do not stop happening all over the planet.A young couple discusses whether or not they should have a child in a few days in which a great plague plagues the Earth and causes the population to descend more and more. At the same time, they should also look for a safe place to take refuge from disasters that do not stop happening all over the planet.
Joris Ivens
23 min. Short film
Nagisa Ôshima
117 min.
A Korean man is sentenced to death by hanging, but he survives the execution. For the following two hours, his executioners try to work out how to handle the situation in this black farce.
Pastor Vega
15 min. Short film
Marco Leto
112 min.
Rossini,  history teacher and son of another professor, for his liberal ideas refuses to sign the oath of allegiance to the the fascist regime that Mussolini imposed on the professors university. After a period of imprisonment he is so assigned to confinement on an island. Here the young intellectual finds himself in contact with the composite humanity that populated the places of confinement: militiamen, agents, common and political coercion, villagers. The figure of the director of the colony, the commissioner Rizzuto, stands out among all, who was a pupil of his father, and for whom he continues to have feelings of esteem and devotion.
Luis Buñuel
30 min. Short film
Documentary short film that makes a portrait of Las Hurdes (Cáceres), one of the poorest and least developed regions of Spain in 1932. Unhealthiness, misery and lack of opportunities cause the emigration of young people and the loneliness of those who remain in this desolate region of Extremadura.
Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan Ivens
113 min.
Humberto Solás
160 min.
Lucía tells three different episodes of Cuban history seen through three different women that coincide in the name (Lucía). The three historical periods are: the war of Cuba for the Independence of Spain, the 1930s and the 1960s .
Orson Welles
105 min.
Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.
Humberto Solás
41 min. Medium-length film
Vsevolod Pudovkin
88 min.
Adaptation of the homonymous novel by Máximo Gorki, is set during the Russian Revolution of 1905. It tells the tragic events of that year through the suffering of a mother for her son and her husband, a peasant woman who will become aware of the social struggle only through example and tragedy.
Joris Ivens, Henri Storck
36 min. Medium-length film
Marco Bellocchio
155 min.
In 1958, Angelo enters a dilapidated religious school, where most domestic servants are mentally retarded. Angelo soon demonstrates that he is different from his companions, rebelling against the archaic regulations of the institution, in constant struggle with the vice-rector.
Santiago Álvarez
5 min. Short film
Documentary short film about the struggle for civil rights of the black population of the United States in the 1960s. The text of the song refers to the urgent need to fight, with more effective methods, for the equality of citizens' rights. Racist incidents produced in California in 1965 are shown, suggesting a more decisive call for fighting racists and racial injustice. It is considered the first video clip in history.
Carl Theodor Dreyer
125 min.
Around 1930, in a small town in western Jutland, the old farmer Morten Borgen lives. He has three children: Mikkel, Johannes and Anders. The first is married to Inger, has two young daughters and awaits the birth of his third son. Johannnes is a former student of Theology who, having imbued himself with Kierkegaard's ideas and identifying himself with the figure of Jesus Christ, is considered by all as a madman. The third, Anders, is in love with the tailor's daughter, an uncompromising leader of a rival religious sector. Such circumstance revitalizes the discord that has always existed between the two families, since neither sees with very good eyes that their children marry.
Gunnel Lindblom
113 min.
Paradistorg is the house in the Stockholm archipelago where every summer Katha, a divorced doctor, meets her parents, her two daughters and her grandchildren, plus some other relatives and friends. Through one of the summers of this family group, the mythical Nordic of the sun, the heat, the summer solstice, the feast of San Juan, the longest day of the year, described through long outdoor meals , country walks, bathing mornings in the sea, silent nights full of love. It is a world dominated by women and plagued by children, where men have disappeared, pass fleetingly or are too old or young to have specific weight, and in which a clearly feminine problem that revolves around the problem of children is debated.
Andrzej Munk, Witold Lesiewicz
62 min.
After World War II, Liza fled from Europe. Until then he had been vigilant in the Auschwitz concentration camp. When he returns years later, during the boat trip he recognizes a face he has not been able to forget ...
Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovskiy
102 min.
Octavio Cortázar
9 min. Short film
A traveling film projectionist brings the film Modern Times (1936) to a secluded village that has never seen a motion picture before.
Marco Bellochio
88 min.
A populist right-wing tabloid newspaper tries to derail the official police investigation of a brutal murder of a young girl in order to help the fascist and right-wing candidates it supports in the upcoming elections.
Tom Hedegaard
85 min.
Action movie with political theme. The central character, the shooter, becomes a terrorist. This activity is inspired journalist Winther in a television debate, but are the journalist and the shooter in the same line?
Dušan Makavejev
95 min.
A beautiful woman, who has been elected Miss World 1984, marries an eccentric millionaire who ends up repudiating her. Then it goes to a kind of sect that, through hallucinatory therapies, intends that the minds of its members return to childhood. At the same time, a sailor linked to the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) joins the captain of a strange ship, the Survival, who sails proclaiming his only motto: absolute freedom.
Robert Aldrich
111 min.
Charles Castle, a very demanding Hollywood actor with himself, is not satisfied with his latest performances. Therefore, when a producer makes a tempting offer that he considers would damage his reputation, he rejects it. But the producer blackmails him, threatening to reveal facts of his past that would tarnish his prestige more than the role he has offered.
Joris Ivens
54 min. Medium-length film
A documentary showing the struggle of the Spanish Republican government against a rebellion by ultra-right-wing forces led by Gen. Francisco Franco and backed by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
Dziga Vertov
61 min.
Three anonymous songs about Lenin provide the basis for this documentary that celebrates the achievements of the Soviet Union and Lenin's role in creating them.
Vittorio De Sica
84 min.
Umberto Domenico Ferrari is a retiree who tries to survive with his miserable pension. Immersed in poverty, he lives in a pension, whose owner mistreats him because he fails to raise the money necessary to pay his room rent. The only friends he has in this world are a young maid and especially his dog Flike.
Francesco Rosi
101 min.
On the Italian/Austrian front during World War I, a disastrous Italian attack upon the Austrian positions leads to a mutiny among the decimated Italian troops.
Manuel Octavio Gómez
106 min.
It reconstructs, in the same place of the facts, a trial celebrated in 1969 to four men, accused of sabotage for having caused the fire of a forest plan that caused the death of eight people and great material losses. At the same time, it retrospectively analyzes the circumstances that contributed to the occurrence of the crime.
Alexandr Dovzhenko
75 min.
An old Ukrainian peasant prepares to die on the land where he has worked all his life. His grandson, Vasil, decides then that the council of the town must buy a tractor to share it among the farmers, who together will overcome the difficulties of nature and the oppression of the rich landowners.
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