72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
Made in Spain
Made in Spain
Ramón Salazar
Spain - France 
112 min.
If Piedras was a film that was difficult to classify, Salazar's latest divertimento is even more daring, if such a thing is possible. Mónica Cervera plays a low-life character in this utterly unconventional story about a transsexual narcoleptic prostitute. The film shifts between the mundane nature of the world that the main character lives and works in and the stylised musical dreams that she immerses herself in when she plunges into narcolepsy.
Ventura Pons
Spain - Andorra 
104 min.
Cayetana Guillén Cuervo and Santi Millán star in this entertaining comedy by Lluís-Anton Baulenas, that Ventura Pons has adapted with uninhibited freshness and joy. A far from ghostly night-time Barcelona is the setting for an idiotic, multilingual and sexually explicit love affair between a young man who's right in the middle of a crisis and a carefree girl who puts up posters at night.
Chus Gutiérrez
92 min.
The Madrid scene in the late 1970s now has the film it deserves. Chus Gutiérrez avoids lapsing into false nostalgia to recall one of the most creative periods in recent Spanish history which was about to come to an end on the 23rd of February 1981, the very day that the Siux have to give a concert at El Calentito. Verónica Sánchez, Ruth Díaz and Macarena Gómez imbue the three main characters in this story with lively enthusiasm.
Adán Aliaga
80 min.
Portrait of a grandmother and her granddaughter who live together in a humble house in the village of San Vicente del Raspeig in Alicante. A company has bought the plot and plans to knock down the building and put up a new block of flats. Grandmother and granddaughter don't experience their forced removal in quite the same way. An exquisitely filmed documentary that focuses on the personality of this anonymous grandmother who dominates the entire film with her presence and manages to win over the audience.
Mercedes Álvarez
110 min.
This creative documentary has been one of the biggest hits of the year. Although El cielo gira is the portrait of a village in Soria that is dying, it never indulges in nostalgia about a past world that has vanished. On the contrary, what it shows is the capacity for transformation that a landscape and a society can have and it teaches us is how reality can be turned into something else: a picture, a film, a new life...
Álex de la Iglesia
Spain - Italy 
106 min.
Álex de la Iglesia returns to black comedy with this story in which Guillermo Toledo plays Rafael and Mónica Cervera is Lourdes. He is a seductive stylish womaniser and she is the least attractive girl in the department store where they both work. An unplanned crime brings them together in a plot in which sexual blackmail, evil deeds and zombies combine to enable Rafael to commit the ferpect crime.
Juanma Bajo Ulloa
110 min.
Bajo Ulloa's latest work is a film shot with complete freedom in which music plays a vital role in helping to understand a plot that shifts between the innocent exterior that hides a horrendous reality and the visual delirium of a medieval adventure film. With very little dialogue and imagery from fairy tales it tells the story of Venus, a lonely little girl who is looking for her Prince Charming.
Benito Zambrano
Spain - Cuba - France 
115 min.
Six years after Solas, Benito Zambrano has made his second film, an ode to the city of Havana, full of light, colour and energy, shot with Cuban underground musical groups. Music provides the thread in the story of Ruy and Tito, two friends who dream of making it big with their songs at the same time as they struggle to get by in a society that they don't criticise despite their suffering.
Miguel Ángel Cárcano
95 min.
Behind each window and each light there is a story hidden from view, protected by the intimacy that night-time provides; a story about relationships and tensions in a city where people sleep less than it seems. On one summer night in Madrid, seven of these stories blend together in Interior (Night), a film with a choral cast of young actors headed by Críspulo Cabezas and Marta Larralde.
Miguel Courtois
125 min.
Miguel Courtois is based on the real-life character of El Lobo, the codename for an agent who the Spanish secret services infiltrated into ETA who managed to get right to the upper echelons of the organisation, in a Costa Gavras-style political thriller. The film stars Eduardo Noriega, while José Coronado plays a tough secret service boss.
Brad Anderson
102 min.
Christian Bale had to slim down 29 kilos to play Trevor Reznik, a man who has spent a year without sleeping and whose past hides a terrible secret. Brad Anderson found the ideal setting for this psychological thriller in Barcelona and its surrounding area in which Jennifer Jason Leigh and Aitana Sánchez-Gijón also appear.
Laura Mañá
95 min.
Laura Mañá returns to the magical realism of her first film, Sexo por compasión, to tell a comic story about love and death set in San Hilario, a tiny village that is renowned for the famous funerals that it organises. Lluís Homar plays a fugitive who the residents of San Hilario mistake for a future customer and who Ana Fernández falls in love with.
Roberto Santiago
101 min.
Fernando Tejero heads a choral cast in a comedy that is directly inspired by the tradition of the classic Spanish farce. Set in a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Madrid where football embodies the dreams of a group of people who don't have too much going for them in life, this tragicomedy stars Marta Larralde, María Botto and Cristina Alcázar in the leading female roles.
Manuel Gómez Pereira
Spain - Italy 
107 min.
Gómez Pereira has a very good nose for finding a good subject for a comedy, like this one that has five genuine queen mothers and their offspring: six gay sons who are willing to take part in the first multiple gay wedding in Spain. For three days all their lives cross in a choral comedy that is basically about tolerance and the need to abandon our preconceptions.
Daniela Fejerman, Inés París
Spain - UK 
89 min.
With A mi madre le gustan las mujeres, París and Fejerman showed that they were fine directors as well as excellent scriptwriters. Semen is a bizarre love story involving a shy Ernesto Alterio and an immense Leticia Dolera. The subject of paternity lies at the heart of this comedy that among its attractions offers the chance to see Héctor and Ernesto Alterio playing a rather eccentric father and son.
Juan Cruz, José Corbacho
Spain - Argentina - Mexico 
87 min.
The debut film by José Corbacho and Juan Cruz is set in a working-class neighbourhood in Barcelona where the lives of its residents revolve around a "tapas" bar. Three love stories at three different stages in life are linked together with stories and warm-hearted characters directly inspired by classic Spanish films such as La vida por delante and El mundo sigue by Fernando Fernán-Gómez.
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