72SSIFF - 20/28 September 2024
William Keighley
85 min.
A lawyer abandons his profession to become an agent of the government with the intention of discovering the murderer of his best friend. The first investigations lead him to a gangster who was his childhood companion. While solving the case, on the scene appears the sister of his boss, which whom falls madly in love.
Billy Wilder
107 min.
In the city of Los Angeles an agent of an insurance company and a client can murder the husband of this last time. Everything gets complicated when it comes to action Barton Keyes, researcher of the insurance company.
Fritz Lang
92 min.
Mervyn LeRoy
90 min.
Wrongly convicted James Allen serves in the intolerable conditions of a southern chain gang, which later comes back to haunt him.
Otto Preminger
88 min.
Detective Mark McPherson investigates the murder of Laura Hunt, an elegant and seductive woman who appears dead in her apartment. McPherson elaborates a mental portrait of the young woman from the declarations of her relatives. The suggestive portrait of Laura, hanging on the wall of her apartment, also helps in this task.
Mervyn LeRoy
80 min.
The film tells the criminal trajectory of a man. Rico started his life executing petty thefts and ended his existence as the head of the most important mafia gang in the city. Key film of the birth of the American black cinema, for a better adaptation of the story of Al Capone, the genre based on the story of the gangsters.
Elia Kazan
96 min.
One night, in the slums of New Orleans, the ruffian Blackie and his friends kill an immigrant who had won playing poker. The next morning, Dr. Clint Reed of the Public Health Service confirms that the dead man had the black plague. To avoid an epidemic that has catastrophic effects, Clint and the captain of the police Tom Warren is about finding and isolating the murderers. The operation is carried out in secret, for fear of the population of the sea. They have only 48 hours to get it.
John Huston
112 min.
A major heist goes off as planned, until bad luck and double crosses cause everything to unravel.
Robert Siodmak
103 min.
After the Second World War, Swede Lunn, a veteran soldier and boxer in decline, finds it difficult to rejoin civil life. One day he meets the girlfriend of a gangster, the irresistible and mysterious Kitty Collins.
Tay Garnett
113 min.
During the Great Depression of the 30s, Frank Chambers, a man who talks aimlessly, begins to work in a roadside bar, is ruled by an older man and Cora, his young, beautiful and unhappy wife. Soon Frank and Cora begin to be attracted to each other.
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